Part 6

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Dunk pov

I'm here now in my apartment, until now I'm still thinking why I said that, because I can't do it anymore, so I've let out my anger towards them since I was young, they don't care about me, the only thing that matters to them is money

"hays....dunk that's ok just forget what happened ok"

"Arghh!....I hate them!!"



Until now dunk still can't sleep because until now he's still crying and just looking at the window

"Should I call Joong.... dunk you will only disturb him and he might be sleeping now because he has school later just call him later ok"(sniff)


Joong pov

Our school is over so I plan to go to dunk I called him a while ago but he didn't answer, I tried to call his mom and she said something happened last night, and dunk left their house so I'm going to his apartment now, I know that he has nowhere else to go, but only to his apartment

I knocked on the door but no one answered, so I tried to call dunk's name but he still didn't answer, so I opened the door, I have a duplicate of his key here in the apartment, when I entered it didn't seem like anyone was there so I looked in the room and I saw that he was sleeping soundly so I approached him and checked if he had a fever, he looked like he had a fever, when I touched his forehead he was very hot, so I took cold water and a towel to wipe his body

I finished wiping his body, so I went to the kitchen to cook him porridge so that after he eats, I will make him drink medicine to speed up his recovery. He needs it because he has to go to school tomorrow because our prof said there will We have a quiz tomorrow


while I was preparing the porridge I had cooked for dunk, someone suddenly called


"Hello phi joong"

"Fourth why are you calling?"

"I just want to ask phi where are you now?"

"I'm at dunk's apartment, he has a fever, so I'm taking care of him"

"Phi Pond is here, he is looking for you"

"Huh why is he looking for me?"

"I don't know either phi"

"Give him the phone so I can talk to him"



"Hello bro"

"What are you doing in my house?"

"Have you forgotten that we are leaving, we are going to a bar with our friends, remember"
"where are you"

"I can't go, just tell them I'm busy right now"

"busy? what have you been busy with?...huh archen"

"It just is..I can't be with you guys, I'm doing something important right now, so bye"

" wait Joo--"

(End of the call)

Who's that?

Dunk pov

I woke up and noticed that I had a towel on my forehead. I wondered why I had a towel on my forehead because before I went to sleep earlier I didn't put a towel on my forehead,

I stood up and I heard a familiar voice and when I left to my room I saw Joong talking on the phone

"Who's that?"

"Babe, why did you leave to your room, you have a fever"(supported him to sit)

"What are you doing here?"

Dunk ask

"I've been calling you for a while but you're not answering so I asked phuwin earlier why you didn't go to school, he said you're not  feeling well, then I called your mom, I asked what happened to you and your mom said there is something that happened last night and you left your house"
"Babe what happened?"(look at dunk)


"It's ok if you don't want to tell me, just te--"

"babe, my parents want me to go with them to canada.."


"I-I don't want to go with them"
"I-I just want to be here..... I don't want to leave you"(teary eyes)

"Babe (touched dunk's cheek) It's ok"
"It's ok with me....I can wait for you"

"N-No, I don't want to leave you, I'm gonna stay here, I won't go with mom and dad"(burst into tears)

"Dunk listen to me I know that they are doing that for your good and you should obey them they are your parents"

"Why do you want me to go with them, don't you love me anymore?"(crying)

"No babe listen to me...I love you, I love you so much and no one can match my love for you, that's why I'm telling you to go with your parents because that's what they want for you"(hold dunk's hand)

"But I don't want to, I like it here, I don't want to leave here, my dream is here, and my loved ones and the ones I love the most are also here"(look at him)

"Hays (hugged dunk) shhh it's ok
If you really don't want to go with your parents, tell them you want to stay here, and if they ask you who will take care of you, say my name, I will take care of you (look at dunk) ok?


"Babe...I love you"

"I love you too"(smile)

"Let's eat, I cooked porridge for you, after you eat, take your medicine so you can get better quickly ok"


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