Part 10

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Joong pov

we are here at the dining table eating, while dunk and I were eating, he suddenly spoke

"babe, I have something to tell you"

"hmm, what's that babe?"

"ahm...Mom called me earlier"

"huh, your mom called"


"ah...what did he say to you?"

"they said they will not take me to canada anymore" (happy)


"Yess, mom and dad apologized to me and said that they will not force me anymore and they said that I can do what I want because they said that I am at the right age and they should not force me to do things that I don't want and I don't want to do" (smiled)

"so you won't really leave, you won't leave me"


"Yess!!" (stood up and hugged dunk)
"You said that, you won't leave me na
I love you babe"

"Oum, I love you too, babe, y-your hug is so tight I-I can't breathe anymore"

"sorry babe I was just too happy" (break the hug) (giggle)

"it's ok babe" (giggle)



"sir, the food is ready" (nanny said to gemini)

"ok nanny, we'll just go to the dining"

"Ok sir"

"phi pond, I'll just go to phi phuwin's room, I'll just gonna call him to eat"

"no need, I'll go to his room"

"huh, you sure?"



Pond went to phuwin's room and knocked, after knocking, phuwin opened it and pond saw that phuwin was not wearing any top and only covered his bottom with a towel because he had just finished taking a bath so he had not yet able to dress up

"love, what are you doing here?"

(looking at Phuwin's body) "hmm, your nanny said the food is ready"

"ah ok, I'll just go there later" ( about to close the door)

"Love can i come in"

"huh, what are you going to do here?"

"hmm, nothing, I just want to watch you"

"Ah o-ok"

phuwin let pond enter his room, and after pond entered phuwin's room pond sat down on phuwin's bed

"love, do you want me to help you get dressed?"

"What, no!, I can dressed myself!"

(Giggle) "just kidding love" ( lay down to phuwin's bed )

After Phuwin got dressed, he combed his hair and while he was combing, Pond suddenly hugged him.

(hugged back Phuwin) "love....I love you"

"Hmm" ( face pond ) "why?"

"Hmm nothing love I just want to say that I love you"

"hmm I love you too" (hugged pond)

(Hug back) "love thank you because you came into my life

earlier I thought you weren't ready to talk about our relationship because I thought you would get angry but I was shocked earlier when you told Joong that I was your boyfriend, I thought you would be uncomfortable if I said it but you said it yourself"

( giggle ) "love i'm also happy that you came into my life, and I told that to Joong because I know we can trust him, I know you've been together a lot and he's also a good friend to you, so I know he won't spread our relationship, that will destroy your friendship, right?" ( phuwin held both of pond's cheeks with his two hands )

"Oum" ( nod ) (look at phuwin eyes)

phuwin also looked into pond's eyes and phuwin kissed pond's lips and pond also kissed back to phuwin's kiss

while they were kissing someone suddenly knocked on the door

( knock ) "phi phuwin, phi pond what are you guys doing there!...why are you guys  taking so long, mom and dad are already there waiting downstairs!" gemini said
( broke the kiss ) ( look at pond ) "let's go love, mom and dad is already waiting downstairs hahaha"

"Hays ok"

Phuwin opened the door and saw Gemini in front of him

"phi phuwin, why did you guys take so long I thought phi pond called you"

"well I just finished taking a shower earlier when Pond came here I wasn't even dressed yet"

"huh!, so phi pond saw you nak--"

"gemini no!..what are you saying, he didn't see me naked ok!"


"Hays let's go" phuwin said

and they went downstairs and went to the dining table when they went to the dining room they saw that their mom and dad were already sitting

"Hi mom, hi dad" (phuwin said and kissed his parents' cheeks)

"Hello uncle, hello aunty (bowed to phuwin's parents)

"oh pond you're here" phuwin dad said

"take a sit pond and eat with us" (smile) phuwin mom said

Pond just nodded and sat next to Phuwin

(While eating)

"Phuwin, where did you go last night, why didn't you come home?" phuwin's mom ask

(Gulp) "Uhm...I'm with pond, mom"

"with pond?, so you slept with him" phuwin's mom said

"huh, w-well I came from the bar last night, and I didn't want to go home yet so I went to Pond's house"

"and you slept with him" phuwin's dad said

"w-well yeah, I slept next to him"

"hmm...ok" phuwin's mom said


"I'm going home, aunt, because it's already getting late" pond said

"ah is that so, all right, phuwin accompany pond out of the gate, and pond be careful, just drive slowly, ok" phuwin's mom said

"Yes aunt"

"See you soon phi pond" gemini said

"See you too

and he went out of the house, and Phuwin accompanied him

"love, be careful when driving" phuwin said

"Oum, I will love"

"ok, see you tomorrow love, and don't forget to chat me when you get home, ok"

"Yes love" (kiss phuwin forehead)
"I will go now"

"Oum" (nod)

After that, Pond got into his car and left

when Phuwin saw that Pond had left, he also entered their house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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