Part 8

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Pond pov

I'm here in the kitchen cooking because Phuwin said, I still have a headache, I'm still a little dizzy, even though I didn't drink much last night, I still have a headache because of the wine we drank

while I was cooking, I didn't notice that I touched the pan I was cooking in, because I was still a little dizzy, which caused my hand to burn


"What happened to you" (going down the stairs) phuwin said

"Huh..nothing love" (hid his hand behind his back)

(approaches pond) "what are you hiding behind your back?"

"It's nothing love, sit down at the dining table and I will prepare your food"

(looks at pond) "give me your hand"

"Love it's nothing"

"Hays...let me see" (held pond's hand)
"you got burned"

Phuwin held pond's hand, and saw that it was red, so he took some water and soaked pond's hand

"soak your hand for a few minutes in water, I will prepare the food"

"love, I'm fine"

phuwin didn't pay attention to what pond said and he prepared the food, after phuwin prepared the food he brought it to the dining table

"Let's eat, love"


while phuwin was eating he looked at pond, because pond wasn't eating yet, and was just looking at him while he was eating

"Why aren't you eating?, you've been looking at me for a while, is there something wrong with my face?"

"Nothing love, I just cooked you your meal, I'm not hungry yet, I just want to sleep I'm still a little dizzy" (hold his head)

(Look at him) "can you go to school today"

"Oum, it will also disappear later"

"You sure love?, it's ok even if you don't go to school today, I'll just tell our prof"

"I'm sure love, I can go to school"

"okay, if you say so"


Joong pov

Dunk and I had eaten here in his dining room and while we were eating I told him not to go to school because his fever might return if he goes to school right now

"babe, don't go to school today because your fever might come back, just stay here in your apartment"

"huh, but I want to go to school today"

"babe, you can't, your fever hasn't gone away yet so you need to stay here"

"but didn't you tell me we have a quiz today and i can't miss that"

"yes, but babe you just have to stay here, I'll take care of telling our prof if you can just take the quiz  in another day"

"But bab--"

"No more but babe, I'll come back to your apartment after our class"
"And also, about our practice for the band, Phuwin said that we should practice again tomorrow because you can't go to school yet."

"Oum.." Dunk just nodded because he knew there was nothing he could do when Joong said it


At School

Pond pov

Joong and I are here now at the canteen because it's our break time and I'm also hungry na because I haven't eaten yet, btw Phuwin isn't here yet he told me he'll be here later

while we were eating suddenly someone shouted our name that's why people suddenly looked at us

"Phi Joong, Phi Pond!" (approached them)

"what the, love?!" Pond said

"the heck love why are you shouting people are looking at us" Joong said

"Hehe sorry phi"

"what are you doing here" pond said

"well, I study here phi"

"you study here!" Joong said

"Yes phi" love said

"you guys study here too?, I know you guys go to other school right?"

"Well...Pond and I transferred here"

"really, why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, we didn't know you were studying here" pond said

"ah ok, but now you know"

Btw love is Joong cousin


Phuwin pov

I'm here now at the canteen because I told Pond I'll follow them later

While I was looking for their table, I stood in line to order food and as I looked around I saw them but why was there a girl with them?

After I ordered food I went to their table, and when I got close to their table I heard them chatting happily, "tsk who is this girl" phuwin whispered

"phu, you're already there, come here" (look at phuwin and smiled) pond said

"Yeah" (sit beside pond)

"oh..who is this handsome man?" (Look at phuwin)

"hey love don't bring your flirting attitude here" Joong said

"hahaha I'm just joking phi"

"Love?!, Is she your girlfriend Joong?" Phuwin ask

"Huh! No, she's my cousin, her name is Love"

"love is her name?!" Phuwin said

"yeah my name is love"

"ah your name is beautiful love" phuwin said

"Hehe thank you, how about you what is your name"

"I'm Phuwin" (smile)

"Ah Phuwin, nice to meet you" (smile)

"Oum, nice to meet you t--"

"tsk, phuwin eat na, your food is getting cold" pond said (cut off their conversation)

"hahaha are you jealous phi pond?, don't worry I won't take Phuwin away from you hahaha" love said

"what are you talking about, I'm not jealous" (roll his eyes)

"Isn't phuwin your boyfriend?, I thought he was your boyfriend because you two seem like a good match"

Pond,Phuwin:(look at each other)

"Hasy love, go back to your classroom" Joong said

"I don't want to, I still want to talk to them"

"Do you want me to tell your mom that you are going to another faculty huh"

"Hasy, fine, I'm leaving"
"Bye phi's"

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