Part 5

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"Babe, eat here, I'll take you to your house later"



At the dinner table

"Phi, why do you have to hide your relationship?"

Fourth ask

Joong looked at dunk and dunk spoke

"Because we don't know if they will accept us especially since there are a lot of judgmental people these days, and we can't tell our friends because they won't accept us and they will be hate us and maybe because of that our friendships will break"

"Phi how did you say that they won't accept you if you are really their true friend they are ready to accept your relationship and they won't destroy your friendship just because of that, because you love each other there is nothing wrong with loving if they don't accept the relationship What are the things you shared together that will disappear just because of your relationship"

Fourth said

"Babe fourth is right if they are really our friends they are ready to accept us, another thing is if they can't accept us then we should just let them go we just love each other"

"But I don't want to lose them especially phu he is my best friend I can't handle it if our friendship is ruined just because of our relationship"

"Babe, you also said that he is your best friend, which means that he understands you and if he finds out about our relationship, he is ready to accept you"

"But what if he doesn't accept me?"

"You are not his true friend babe, because if you were his true friend he would still accept you"

"Phi, kuya is right, he will accept you no matter who you are"

Joong looked at dunk as if he was deep in thought because of this, that's why he said to stop talking and let the food continue

"stop talking na, the food is getting cold"

After they ate, joong told fourth to watch the house first because he was going to bring dunk to their house


While joong was driving he noticed that dunk was deep in thought

"Babe, if you're thinking about what we talked about earlier, don't think about it, you might get a headache thinking about it"

Joong said

"Should i tell phuwin"(Look at joong)


"You are right tho, if he is my true friend, he is ready to accept me no matter who I am"

"Yeah, but babe, I know you're not ready to tell him about our relationship, so don't think about it, you're thinking too much, then adding more will only hurt your head, so don't think about it na"(hold dunk's hand)


After they talked, dunk fell asleep


At school

Phuwin pov

I'm already here at school but dunk isn't there yet so I got on my cell phone first, we don't have a teacher at all, while I was scrolling through social media, dunk suddenly called so I answered it.

"Hello dunk where are you?, our class is about to start"

"Phu.....I can't go to school now"

"Huh why, did something happen?, are you crying?, do you want me to come there later"

"I'm fine, I'm not crying, I'm just catching a cold, don't come here, I'm fine, I just can't go to school right now"

"Are you sure?"


"ok, just chat or call me when you need me"


(End of the call)


Joong pov

I'm here at school now, I'm waiting for dunk because I want to see him,
class is about to start but he's still not there, I tried to call him but he didn't answer so I started to worry that maybe something bad happened to him so I tried to ask phuwin maybe he knows why dunk hasn't come yet



"Can I ask"

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"Do you know why dunk hasn't come yet, did something happen to him?"

"ah, he called me earlier and said he can't go to school today, he said he's not feeling well"
"Why did you ask?

"nothing, I just want to know if he's ok"



(Last Night)

when joong arrived at dunk house, he woke him up, and when dunk woke up he helped him enter to his house because dunk just woke up, and after that joong didn't stay there for long and said goodbye, when joong left Dunk was about to go up to his room but his parents stopped him because they said they wanted to talk to him

"We want to talk to you"

His mom said

Dunk came to her and said

"About what"

"About what, why aren't you talking?"

"Dunk need to come with us  to Canada"

When his dad said that, it was as if he couldn't explain his emotions because he had too many problems to think about, then his dad said that they were going to Canada

"wth dad, didn't we already talk about it, I don't want to go with you to Canada"

"Dunk.... you have to come with us"

"No mom!.. I don't want to go with you I can stay here and then you and dad can go to Canada"

"Dunk don't be stubborn!, whether you want it or not, you will come with us to Canada"

"Dad, don't you understand, I said I don't want!!
Why are you forcing me!, that's why you're going to Canada because of the company right!
Why do you have to take me with you, I can take care of myself without you guys because I'm used to not being paid attention to my parents, you guys really don't care about me, the only thing you always care about is your company!!

"Dunk, just follow our orders!!"

"No dad I will not go with you!"

After Dunk said that, his dad slapped him, and he just held his cheek and just looked at his parents

"Are you guys really my parents"

"What are you saying!"

"Every time you go home Your company is still the one you work for, and you can't even give me time to be with you because you're always busy and do you think I will be happy if I accept the force marriage that you said before, for me, no I will never be happy I will regret that you guys were my parents"

"dunk son, we are doing that so you can have a good life in the future"

"no mom you are not doing that for me you are doing that for money!!"

after Dunk said that, his mom slapped him, and he just held his cheek and just looked at his parents while crying

"Dunk..son..I-I'm sorry"

"No.. don't touch me"

After Dunk said that, he ran out of their house while crying

"Ahhhhh...Why....why does it have to be me"

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