Part 2

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Reminder don't take this seriously because this is just a fanfiction this is not imposed on real life characters if you feel uncomfortable just click back

(Phuwin room)

Phuwin pov

When we entered my room, I immediately scolded him, cause why would he go here at night, something might happen to him outside

Phuwin:You should have called me, you know it's late, later you'll get hurt out there, what will I do if that happens, what will your mom tell me if something happens to you huh!

Pond:Love easy, I have a car with me

Phuwin:Although, if you're going here, you should call me first, ok!

Pond:Ok sorry love

Phuwin:hays (look at him)
...come here

Pond:(look at him)(went to Phuwin and hugged him)

Phuwin:(hug back) sorry i'm just really worried about you

Pond:That's ok, love, I know that you just really worried about me(look at him)

Phuwin:(staring at pond's lips)

Pond:(noticed that phuwin was looking at his lips)

Phuwin:love can I kiss you?


Phuwin:(kiss him)

Pond:(kiss back)

Pond pov

while we were kissing I made him stand up from where we were sitting and went to his bed without stopping our kiss

Phuwin pov

while we were kissing and the longer our kiss lasted, he slowly lowered his kiss to my neck and began to suck it, while I was restrained from moaning because mom and dad is in the other room

Phuwin:hmmm love stop mom and dad might hear us

Pond:we'll just gonna do it quickly love(sucking Phuwin's neck)

Phuwin:Just.. don't leave a hickey mark on my neck

Pond:its to late love, you already have (kiss his lip)


Joong house

Dunk:babe why do you want me to sleep here?

Joong:I don't have anyone here, mom and dad are in another country

Dunk:Your sibling are not here either?


Dunk:ah ok..
by the way, why didn't you tell me that you were going to transfer to my school?

Joong:because I want to surprise you(hug him)

Dunk:really huh

Joong:you do not you like it?

Dunk:no, there are just as many girls who were looking at you earlier, if they could look at you, it's like they want to snatch you away from me

Joong:hahaha are you jealous of them?

Dunk:what if I say yes

Joong:(smile) don't worry babe, I'm only yours (kiss hiss cheek)

Dunk(look at him) did i tell you to kiss me on the cheek huh?

Joong:babe, you're angry again, come to the bed, let's warm your body

Dunk:what the

Joong:haha just kidding babe, come here let's lie down

Dunk:hays (went to the bed and lay next to joong)

A few minutes later

Joong:babe are you still awake?


Joong:I can't sleep... do you want to do something

Dunk:(look at him) I know what you are thinking archen

Joong:babe, we'll just do it quickly

Dunk:no, the last time we did that you almost didn't make me walk anymore

Joong:because you made me jealous

Dunk:no, I'm not making you jealous, you're just really jealous

Joong:(just looking at dunk's lips)

Dunk:(noticed it) do you really want us to do it?

Joong:yeah (looking at his eyes)

Dunk:fine, just be gentle, I still want to walk tomorrow

Joong:I can't promise that (start kissing him)

Dunk pov

we had been kissing for a while and I felt like I was running out of breath, until his kiss went down to my neck and sucked it and left a hickey and as he continued to kiss me, he took off my clothes little by little and kissed my chest

Joong pov

when I took off her clothes, I started kissing her chest and slowly went down to her bottom, she started moaning when I kissed her stomach, I knew that she had a tickle in her stomach, so she started moaning


Joong:Just moan babe I want to hear it




Phuwin pov

I woke up and looked at my phone to see what time it was and I was surprised because it's already 7:30 we were going to be late for our first class

Phuwin: love wake up we will be late for school

Pond: 5 minutes more love

Phuwin:we're going to be late


Phuwin pov

I let pond sleep here last night because it's not safe for him to come home at two o'clock,

I took a shower and hurried to get dressed. I woke Pond up because he was still sleeping. After I woke him up, he also hurried to get dressed. I just lent him some of my clothes.We can wear civilian clothes now because it's Friday.

When we got to school, I saw Dunk hurrying too and I saw Joong with him.
Why is he with Joong?

799 words

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