Part 9

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When love left, joong looked at pond

"Why are you looking at me?" (look at joong) pond ask

"hey bro can I ask you a question"

"what is it?"

"what is your relationship with phuwin?" Joong ask

Pond and Phuwin were shocked by Joong's question, and suddenly became nervous

"h-huh w-what do you mean?"

"Pond, do you think you can fool me with the behavior of you two, ever since we transferred here you have always been close to phuwin, you were not like that in our old school, you didn't get close to anyone except me, you know and I know pond that you are a cold person who hardly talks to others but when we transferred here you changed because you were always with phuwin"

pond and phuwin were silent and speechless

pond looked at phuwin
Pond knew that if he told Joong about him and Phuwin, Phuwin might be angry at him

"We're ju--"

pond was about to say that they were just friends but phuwin blocked it

"Joong..... (look at joong) Pond boyfriend"

Pond was surprised when Phuwin said this because he thought that Phuwin was not ready to tell others about their relationship.


"Pond, it's ok, Joong is your best friend so it's ok to tell him because I know he won't spread our relationship to others, he's your best friend so I know he can be trusted" (smile)


"Oum" (nodded)

"So it's true that you two have a relationship?" Joong said

"Yes" phuwin said

"Does dunk know that you are in a relationship with pond, phuwin?" Joong ask

"No,I'm not ready to tell him yet and I-I'm afraid to tell him"

"why are you afraid to tell him?, he is your best friend"

"You're right, he's my best friend, that's why I'm afraid because he might not accept me because I have a boyfriend and not a girlfriend"

"then what if I tell you that dunk's lover is also a man"

"Huh...What do you mean?"

"well, I think you need to talk to dunk tomorrow, because I don't want to tell you without permission from dunk

phuwin was confused by what joong said, because he couldn't get what joong was saying and pond was just listening to what they were talking about


their faculty bell rang and they had to go back to their classroom

"let's go back to the classroom" pond said

"Ok" joong said

"Let's go love"

"Oum" (stand up)


"Bro, I'm leaving, because I have something else to go to" Joong said

"ok, be careful when driving bro"

"Yeah, bye"

and joong left

"love, let's go, I'll drive you to your house"


At the car

pond was driving and phuwin was on cecellphone and while phuwin was on cecellphone he asked pond something


"Yes love, do you need something?"

"Hmm no
I just want to ask if you know what joong said earlier, what does he mean that dunk has a lover and it's a man?"

"love, I don't know what that means too, I also wondered too"
"but what if, he say that because he is dunk's boyfriend"

"Really, that's what I thought too, they are always together too and we also see them going to school together

"yeah so maybe he's saying that you and dunk need to talk tomorrow because they will tell you about the're relationship too"

"Hmm" (look at pond)


"Phi, you're here, where are you last night, why didn't you come home, do you know that mom and dad are looking for you" gemini said

"well...I was with pond last night"

(look at pond who is next to phuwin), "really you were with phi pond yesterday"

gemini smiled jokingly at phuwin because she seemed to know why phuwin didn't come home last night

"yes and why are you smiling there huh?" (raised his eyebrows)

"Hahaha nothing phi"

"tsk, where are mom and dad?"

"they are in the company"

"ok, I'm going to my room, you and pond just talk there first"

"Ok phi"

Phuwin go to his room

(Look at pond) "phi pond, what did you do to phi phuwin last night hahaha"

"nothing, it's not too serious" (sit on the couch)

"really phi pond" (smile teasingly)

"It's nothing gem"

"ok change topic, so what you told me, how fourth will like me"

(Look at gemini) "so did what I told you work?"

"I don't know but he always smiles when I'm with him" (thrilled)

"really, maybe he likes you too, just follow the advice I gave you and then if you need anything, just chat with me so I can help you"

"Ok phi"



"Babe I'm here!"

dunk was in the room reading a book, when he heard joong's voice, he quickly left the room and went to joong

"Babe" (quickly went to Joong and hugged him)

(smile) "Did you miss me"

(look at joong) "yes, it's so boring here, you should just let me go to school" (pout)

"Babe you can't, you still have a bit of a fever, you can go to school tomorrow"

"Hays yeah"
"anyway how's school babe" (break the hug)

"It's ok babe"
Hold dunk's hand and sat on the couch and let dunk sit on his lap
"By the way, Phuwin said he wants to talk to you tomorrow"

"About what babe?"

"I don't know he just said he needs to talk to you tomorrow" (kiss dunk neck)

"Hmm ok"

"Did you eat already?"

"Not yet"

"why haven't you eaten yet?"

"I'm waiting for you"

"babe, you don't have to wait for me"

"but I want to eat with you, I don't want to eat alone" (pout)

"hays ok, I will eat with you after you eat take medicine, ok"

"Oum" (nod)

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