Part 3

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When they got to their room they saw that their teacher was not there so they felt relieved and sat in their seats
after they sat down, dunk and joong also came when they sat down, phuwin quickly asked dunk why joong was with him

"Dunk why are you with joong"

phuwin asked and raised an eyebrow, when phuwin asked that, dunk just swallowed and looked at phuwin

"Ah......I just saw him in the parking lot and then he just went with me hehe"

"Ah ok"(still wondering)

after dunk answered phuwin's question, dunk asked him a question too

"Why are you with pond too i saw you together too, he hasn't been here for a week but you seem to be getting along  "

after dunk said that, he just swallowed and looked at pond who was talking to joong

"phuwin tell me the truth, do you know pond?"(raised his eyebrows)

"You really want to know the truth?"


"Then ask him haha"

"Ay shia phuwin!"

While they were talking, their teacher came so they stopped talking and greeted their teacher good morning

"sorry class I'm late because we were called to the office"

"It's ok sir"

his students said, when their class was about to end, their teacher announced their project

"Your project will be that you will form a band and each group will perform on stage and whoever is the best band will play for our event next month"

"ah sir, it's up to us who we want to join the band?"

A student ask

"Yes, it's up to you who you want to be in your group"

"When you find your group members, I will give you 3 weeks to practice"

After their teacher said that, he said goodbye and left and the students went straight to the canteen to have lunch


"Phuwin, how are we going to form a band since we don't know how to play instruments"

Dunk ask

"You don't know how to use an instruments?"


"Well I know how to play a piano"



Phuwin knows how to play the piano because his dad taught him

"Do you have any instruments at home?"

Phuwin ask

"Just a guitar, but I don't know how to use it"

"My brother is good at guitar, I'll ask him later if he can teach you"

"Really thank you phu"


after dunk said that he kissed phuwin's cheek and Joong and Pond saw that because they were approaching them to sit there


"Why did you kiss his cheek"

Joong called dunk and pond asked why he kissed phuwin on the cheek as if they were jealous

They immediately looked at them and Phuwin gave pond a bad look because he said that

"I mean, what are you two doing?
We would like to sit with you because we don't know anyone else here"

Pond said

"Ah y-yeah sure"

Dunk said

Dunk looked at joong and saw that he had a bad look on him and dunk just got nervous because he knew that joong would quickly get jealous or sulk

while they were eating, almost all of them were silent until Phuwin spoke and asked Dunk

"Dunk I just noticed what's on your neck?"


Dunk was also in a hurry earlier because they were running late so dunk also forgot to put foundation on his neck, phuwin was able to put foundation earlier because he was waiting for pond earlier so he still had time to put on some foundation on his neck

"ah, that's nothing, it was just bitten by a mosquito hehe"

"Really huh"

"'s the foundation cover it"

Phuwin took his foundation and lent it to dunk, and dunk looked at it and took it

Dunk got up and went to cr, joong got up to follow dunk but first pond asked him where he was going

"Hey bro where are you going"

"To CR"

And joong left, pond and phuwin were left over


Pond said
and Phuwin looked at him

"Don't call me love we're at school someone will hear us, just call me love when it's just the two of us together"

"Yeah I don't care...
I was just going to ask you if you already have a group for the band"

"Nothing yet, dunk and I are still planning and we are still looking for groups"

"why are you still looking, Joong and I are here"

"You know how to play an instrument?"

"Yes I have an electric guitar"

"Why didn't I know that?"

"Because I don't want you to know, you might fall for me even more if you saw me play an electric guitar hahaha"





Dunk looked in the mirror and saw where the hickeys were and started putting foundation on it

While she was applying foundation, joong came and took the foundation


"I will help you put it"

while Joong was applying foundation to Dunk, he spoke

"Why did you kiss him on the cheek?"


Joong took down the foundation because he finished putting it on and asked dunk again

"I said why did you kiss his cheek"

"I-It's just a friendly kiss"

"Friendly kiss"

Joong looked at dunk seriously and dunk was just nervous

"Then don't do your friendly kiss anymore, I don't want to see you kissing someone else's cheek's"

"But its just a--

Dunk was about to speak when joong kissed him

"Babe, do you understand what I said?"

Dunk just nodded and didn't say anything

933 words

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