A tired heart

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Sometimes my heart gets tired
Tired of being the better person
Tired of being lied to
Tired of being treated a fool
Tired of doing the right thing
Tired of being abandoned
Even tired of not getting handled gently

It has been shattered into pieces more times than I can count
Turned into nothing but ash
Sometimes it gets put back together
"I promise to treat you right"
"I'm here for you"
"I'm not going anywhere"
"I love you"

Only the does it begin to put itself back together again
The walls come back down
The thorns melt off
Blood begins to pump back in
It beats unapologetically

The "I love you's" act as the cure
The promises are a motor to keep moving the blood
The "I'm here for you" is a heater turned on high
It's what keeps the ice from freezing over

It gets comfortable
It gets attached

"I'm sorry but,"
All of a sudden
The heat begins to slow
The motor struggles to rotate
The cure is being rejected

Sadness followed by the overwhelming aching silent but loud painful cries
Inflate it
To the point
Where the heart cannot hold anymore

Falling down slowly like snow
It has turned back into ash
They way that it falls is almost beautiful

The pieces fall and settle at the bottom
In a pile they sit
And sit…
…and sit
A single gust of air blows past it
Two hands reach in and slowly rebuilds what was broken
The tired heart stands there and waits to be loved right
Maybe this time will be different

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