Feelings are conflicting

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Sadness is a conflicting emotion.
I find that that feeling visits me more often than any of the others.
I cannot simply explain it because all in all,
No one is ever going to understand it to the extent to make sense.
To the extent that I need them to understand.
It's been a domino effect for the last couple of weeks
Only there are brief pauses where I get to catch my breath
And I get the relief that I needed.
This sadness isn't the same kind that invites the stigma of depression either.
It's the kind that makes you wish some things didn't change
You can talk about it until it's resolved
Most people don't want to listen to the same conversation more than once
It's "annoying"
Then there adds another domino
And you're just waiting for that one day you can breathe again
To feel that sigh of relief

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