I'm exhausted of being the better person

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You can try you fucking hardest to please everyone, but in the end; the only one who isn't going to be happy, is you. It's a mission, you can save everyone from a sinking ship, but you'd have to find a way to save yourself last and still keep your head above water. Odds are, you'll die. It's a pretty big ship with lots of people, but you make the sacrifice. You don't have to do it, but you do anyway. It's in your nature, you are a people pleaser.
You take care of everyone else, but do you take care of you? Where is the spare time you set aside for yourself? It's gotta be somewhere right? That's what you tell people when they ask you who takes care of you. It's getting old. It is okay to be a bitch sometimes. Hell, be the ice queen for a couple of hours. No one needs to constantly be nice just so others are happy. Who made it your job?
You don't need to feel guilty for putting yourself first. That is absurd, even though I'm sitting here preaching to the choir.
I, myself, will probably not listen to these sentences that I have shared with you. Stupid, right?

I would love to just say "Fuck it!"
If you don't like me for who I am or who I choose to be then that is on you my friend
I'm not going to change everything about myself just for a handful of people to still say I didn't change enough

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