Even the devil loved once

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Love is meant for

    Some just choose not to use it

Or it has been used wrong
Love doesn't leave a sour taste in your mouth
Love is supposed to be raw and beautiful

Don't let others tell you that love is being lied to
That love is yelling or screaming at you
Love doesn't leave bruises on your arms
Love doesn't cheat on you
It doesn't leave you questioning your worth
It doesn't push you out of the front door in the cold
It doesn't break your things

Love is not aggression thrown at you like a baseball
Don't let it make you believe you're worthless
Love won't tell you not to eat both sides of your subway sandwich in the car
Love will ask you about the stressful day you had and listen
Love is positive and brings you up

In case no one told you
You are worthy
You are loved
You are cared for
You are wanted
You are smart
You are beautiful, you are handsome

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