The black cab

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I was sitting at the table and drinking coffee. The sun shined real bright and it was so beautiful moment. I dropped my coffee cup onto the table and smiled. Today I was going to go to Europe again and I was excited. I would be there for a month and travel across the Europe wherever I wanted to go. It was going to be unforgettable trip.

Suddenly my phone rang and brought me out of my minds. I picked it up carefully and coincided to the call.

"Alice Carmichael", I answered politely.

"Hi Alice. It's me mommy."

"Hi mom. What's the reason to your call?" I smiled and sat onto a sofa.

"Well, you're leaving to Europe today, right? So I decide to call you now and ask if you like to meet your cousin Philipp while you are there...-"

"Of course I want", I answered quickly and cut my mom's sentence the same time.

"That's real nice to hear sweetheart. Would you say greetings from me and buy something for him?" she asked with a happiness in her voice.

"Deal, so how are you mom?"

"I'm great, dear. How about you?"she asked curiously.

"Hahah I am real great and excited", I laughed. "I'll leave soon to the airport."

"Have a nice holiday dear and please send me a message when you are in the Europe."

"Thank you mom. You too, and I'll do so don't worry", I laughed.

"Goodbye sweetie."

"Goodbye mom", I said and disconnect the call. 

I put my phone into my pocket and closed the lights. Then I took my baggage and get dressed. I put on black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket and lastly my pilot sun glasses and made a pony tail.


A moment later I was standing in front of my house and making my way to the cab. I put my baggage to the trunk and sat to the back seat. I fastened the seat belt and the cab left.

I looked out the window and looked how the trees ran past. I looked at those familiar landscapes while I sat in the cab. The sky was full of clouds and sun was somewhere behind them. I sighed and closed my eyes. The cab arrived to the airport. I paid and took my baggage and made my way inside the airport.

I left my baggage to the cargo bin and continued to the security check. After the passport check I continued to my gate. It was almost on the other side of the airport but luckily I hadn't busy at all. I settled down and drank my coffee which I had taken from the near café.

Suddenly my gate opened and people started to make a queue. I waited on my seat until the queue had gone away. Then I just walked to the gate and handed my boarding ticket and my passport to her. She handed them back to me while smiling and wished me a good flight. I smiled back and thanked. Then I moved to the airplane. I searched my seat and put my bag under the seat in front of me and fastened my seat belt. Then I just stared out to the window and waited.

"Good morning passengers. Here is your captain Mr. Williams...", our captain started and I took my phone and closed it.

When all those security things had told our flight was finally ready to leave. I sat on my seat while our flight was going up. When it was in its ordinary flight altitude I took my ear phones and started to play some music and then I fell asleep. I slept nearly four hours because I had slept only six hours at the last night because I was too excited. I waked up and looked around and took my book. I love reading and I would get bored without because my flight was so long and the time would be different in the Europe so this was going to be a long day. I drink some water and ate the turkey salad which I had bought from the airport too. After that I started to read. Time flied real fast and when I was almost at the end of the book the flight started to board to London. I put my book to my bag and fastened my seat belt. 


When the airplane landed I made my way out and continued to the baggage claim. After finding my baggage I walked out to the passport check. Then I made my way out from the airport. I took my phone and sent a message to my mom. It was already late evening and I walked away looking for the cab.

Suddenly I felt someone walking towards me. It was some blond tall guy. I looked up at his green-colored eyes and smiled. He smiled back and apologized and I felt some butterflies in my stomach. Then my cab arrived and he waved me. I waved back while telling to the driver where I was going. 

I was sitting in the black cab. It looked so eleganth and beautiful. I had never been London before so this was the first time in the famous English cab and I loved it. The darkness had came and I saw many beautiful lights everywhere and some people walking on the streets. This is what I really wanted. I love expectations and this vacation was able to give me what I wanted.

I watched my hotel when the cab stopped in front of it. It looked gorgeous outside. I paid, took my baggage and thanked. Then I continued to the lobby. It was eleganth and luxury and there was a huge crystal chandelier. I had chosen the four stars hotel and it looked awesome and perfect to me.

I went to the reception and logged on to the hotel. They made some paperwork and gave me my keys. Then I walked to an elevator and went in. The elevator was such a beautiful. It had coated with a gold and the halogen lights were like diamonds. I push the button number 7 and it started to move up. When it was on the 7th floor I went out and walked to my door. I put my key into the lock and opened the door.

I drop my baggage onto the floor and walked around my room. Then I took a shower, change my clothes and took some food from my bag. I settled down at the table and opened a tv. I watched the tv while eating. I was real tired so I just closed the tv and washed my teeth. Then I took my phone and checked it before I fell asleep.

Haha, This is my first fanfiction. It hasn't started really yet but I'll try to make it better. Hope you like it. 

I apologize my English, hope you'll understand. It's not my native language. And please tell me if you like this story.

Hahah hope you enjoy


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