IV - Distracted

288 17 4

word count: 1823

Firefly did not get a single wink of sleep that night.
It was all because of that cursed girl's fault! she grumbled pathetically, tossing and turning around her bed. She couldn't get her mind off the girl, and how the world seemed all bright and sparkly and disgustingly pink whenever she was around. She loathes it.

She hates feeling this helpless. She tried doing push-ups in hopes it would make her tired and get her to sleep but it was futile. She tried reading one of the many books Kafka gave her but all she could think of were yellow eyes that seemed to reach down the deepest part of her soul.

She absolutely despises this feeling. She was too busy wallowing in misery that she didn't even noticed the sun coming up.

Aeons, it's already morning.
She has classes in only a few hours and she still didn't get any rest. Not to mention an upcoming mission she had with Silver Wolf later in the evening.

Dear Terminus, please give me strength, Firefly prayed for her sanity.


"Remember, you need to act as discreet as a possible. It's just a warning, we wouldn't want to alert them that the Stellaron Hunters caught to them." Silver Wolf said through her earpiece, munching a pack of chips while watching the old building by hacking through its cctv system. "Though you already know that."

Sam was already near the vinicity, hiding in plain sight as a gang member. Disguises was his forte after all. "I'm pretty sure they'd know it was us who did it though." He whispered at his earpiece, making sure he just seemed a gang member on the way to report to his boss.

"Kafka wants to target this gang for now. Some big shot mafia hired them to search for us and Blade almost got caught because of them. Right now what matters is that we only clear this gang's leader first as a warning." Silver Wolf explained, audibly yawning in boredom. How relax she could be in situations like this, Sam didn't know.
As Silver Wolf lead Sam the way towards the boss' office, Sam would be lying if he said he wasn't out of it. He finds himself zoning out while robotically following Wolf's directions, only getting back on earth whenever Silver Wolf would knock his attention at her.

But Sam couldn't help it. Everytime he finds himself thinking about a certain pair of yellow eyes and fluffy gray hair. How those pair of hands felt soft around his, and how the girl seemed way to enthusiastic to talk with a random person she saw on the street.

How he wants to see her again, a girl who just randomly entered his life.
Stelle, he recalled her name.

"Sam? Earth to Sam?? Hello?? Focus! You've missed the few doors back to the office!"
Oh shit, the mission!

Sam mentally cursed at himself for his carelessness and skipped a few steps backwards. "S-sorry for that! Was a bit out of it I guess..."
"No shit." Silver Wolf sighed. "Well you better hurry before someone else is in the room, the boss is alone for now. Perfect timing."

Sam knocked on the door. Thanks to Blade's craft, he used a microphone that allows him to sound like one of the gang members whenever he speaks.
"Boss, can I talk to you for a second?"
Whoever was at the other side of the door let out a rough grunt which Sam took as a "yes".
As he went inside, the smell of weed filled his nostrils.

"Must be a prize from the mafia for managing to track Blade." Silver Wolf said. "Be careful out there. I'll try to help what I can."

The gang's boss was hidden behind the large chair he sits on, which was currently facing backwards. Sam cleared his throat before proceeding, "The Stellaron Hunters left a note."

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