VI - Reaching Heights Unseen

270 12 8

word count: 1422

Stelle stood amidst the artificial chaos of the studio set, her breath ragged, her gun steady, pointed at the older man writhing in pain on the ground. With a dark chuckle, she taunted him, her voice dripping with venom and amusement.

"My, my, my, is the great Jorge Kick getting too old for this?" she sneered. "You know, I heard a lot of rumors about you, and all you've managed to do is disappoint me."

Jorge, his face contorted with pain, narrowed his eyes, his hand fumbling for something hidden in his coat.

But Stelle was quicker, always one step ahead. With a swift kick, she sent Jorge sprawling into the mud, twisting the arm she had shot earlier. He cried out, helpless against her merciless assault.

"Out of tricks up your sleeves? I meant that literally by the way." Stelle quipped, unable to resist the urge for a comedic one-liner, much to Welt's dismay.

As she rose to her feet, wiping the mud from her pants, she pressed the gun to Jorge's head, fixing him with a glare that could curdle blood.

"In the scene of the mafia, you may be the king, but the joker can be anything she wants," she spat.

"And cut!" The director's voice pierced the air, signaling the end of the scene. The studio lights flickered back on as Stelle helped the stunt double to his feet, her adrenaline still coursing through her veins.

"That was excellent, Stelle!" Herta, the director, exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I knew you had it in you. Your stunts, your delivery, that menacing glare-it's all perfect!"

As Herta continued to heap praise upon her, Stelle's euphoria swelled within her. Finally, she had landed the role of a lifetime, fulfilling her dream of portraying a badass villain in an action movie.

But amidst her triumph, her thoughts turned to the unlikely source of her success-the 7/11 cashier with the enigmatic aura. It was thanks to her, she realized, that she had found the courage to pursue her dreams.

"Ms. Stelle, you dropped this," Jorge Kick's stunt double, interrupted her reverie, bringing her back to reality.

"Thank you," she replied with a genuine smile, her excitement bubbling over. "I can't wait to work with you on the action scenes. And if you wouldn't mind, could you give me a few tips?"

The stunt double chuckled at her eagerness. "You're a natural," he said. "It's hard to believe this is your action movie debut. You'll do great, I promise."

Flushed with pride, Stelle's mind raced with anticipation for her first scene. She quickly went towards her dressing room where she last left her script. But her excitement was interrupted by the sight of Dan Heng, her usually vigilant bodyguard, asleep in her dressing room.

Curiosity and impulsiveness piqued, she reached for a sharpie in her pocket, intent on playing a harmless prank. But before she could act, a stern cough behind her caused her to freeze, and for Dan Heng to jolt awake.

"Mr. Yang!" they both exclaimed, exchanging guilty glances as Welt leveled them with a stern gaze.

"Congratulations, Stelle, on landing the role," Welt said, his expression softening. "But that doesn't give you a pass to draw on people's faces."

Stelle winced at the admonishment, but couldn't suppress a mischievous grin. "Sorry, Dan Heng," she apologized, unable to resist teasing him. "But you were late, and the first thing you did was sleep. Isn't that a bit careless for a bodyguard?"

Dan Heng looked a bit guilty, offering a feeble explanation for his tardiness. "A close friend of mine was sick," he admitted. "I couldn't just leave him alone."

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