V - Operation: Fall Out of Love !

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word count: 1341

Firefly isn't dumb. She obviously knows what love is. Love is when you feel a special attraction to someone that you never felt for anyone else before. There are many different kinds of love and Firefly was no stranger to love.

Although she never really had fallen in love before, she knows the feeling from reading shoujo mangas and watching Kafka's favorite soap operas.

She can't say for sure if that's what she's been feeling for the gray-haired stranger, but the attraction is certainly there. After all, what else could make her think about the girl for this long?

Love certainly made her feel weird butterflies in her stomach but that doesn't mean it's good. Love is a distraction. And in her field of work, there is no space for love. She wants to get rid of this feeling quick.

Which is what led her to this situation...

"So you're telling me you want me to help you fall out of love?"
Firefly determinedly nodded her head.
Bronie audibly groaned. "I gotta say, you gaining a small crush from a stranger was the farthest thing I thought of." She heaved a sigh and looked at Firefly, thinking hardly about what she should do about all this. "So even people like you can fall in love huh?"

"Well it's not exactly love though. It's just a crush."
"Not yet, I'm sure." Bronie heaved another heavy sigh before turning her playstation off and walking towards Firefly. "Look, I'm gonna help you fall out of love but we're gonna do it my way. Think you can handle that?"
Firefly never nodded this fast in her life before. Bronie seemed a bit too careless to rely on, but she was desperate.
The faster the better.

"Whatever you're planning Bronie, it better not be dangerous." Blade interfered, finally done meditating.
Bronie offensively scoffed. "Geez old man, will it hurt for you to have a bit of faith in me?" She clicked her tongue. "It's just making Firefly fall out of love, how can that possibly be dangerous?"
"Just don't be reckless." Blade sighed, preparing his futon. "I'm going to bed, you better not be noisy."

"I keep forgetting you need to stay hiding for a while." Bronie remarked. "Well whatever. Firefly, follow me."
Firefly gulped nervously. Somehow she has a feeling she asked the wrong person for this.


Firefly waited for a long time before Bronie led her to the cafe's storage room, with a bathtub in the middle. Wherever that bathtub's been from, Firefly didn't know.

The cafe has long been closed at this time of the night. It was only Firefly, Bronie, and Blade inside for now. Kafka was somewhere reporting to Elio- the Stellaron Hunters' actual boss.

"What exactly am I supposed to do?" She asked.
Bronie turned to look at her.

"Excuse me?"

Bronie could only sigh. "I said strip. And not in the way you think about, trust me."

Firefly shoot her a strange look. She really felt like she did a mistake telling her.

"Bro stop judging me with your eyes." Bronie groaned. "Ever heard of Pavlov's Experiment? It's where I dump you in ice cold water while you think of that dumb crush of yours and I'll hit you in the head whenever you squeal or blush or do lovey dovey stuff. Do you trust me?"
"No." Firefly immediately answered.
"Oh fuck you."

"And how in the world am I supposed to trust that this would work?" Firefly rolled her eyes. "I don't want to torture my body for nothing."
"Well you don't have much of a choice right?"

Firefly was about to protest until Bronie wrapped her wrists with Kafka's strongest chains. Well fuck, she forgets that Bronie's a Stellaron Hunter too.

"Met someone and you're already like this? Aren't you getting too soft fast?" Bronie smirked. "Look, if you don't want to strip, I don't mind. But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to walk home naked won't you?"

Unfortunately for Firefly, Bronie was right. Seeing how she doesn't have any more cards to play, Firefly just gives up and nods Bronie to strip her off.

Then, Bronie ushered her to lie down the bath tub before mercilessly dumping ice on her.
Firefly barked out a hiss. "That hurts you know!"
Bronie scoffed, "you suffered worse. Besides, you need this." She said before turning on the hose and filling the tub with water.

Thankfully, Firefly was trained to adapt to extremely cold weather and she's not going to give Bronie the satisfaction of her shivering and struggling. But she'd be lying if she said the cold water wasn't affecting her. She's freezing like crazy.

Firefly had to admit, it was hard to think of Stelle in her current condition so Bronie didn't get to hit her head just yet.
And it seemed like Bronie was getting impatient with it.

Sighing, Bronie went to turn on the tv and played a dumb rom-com movie. It was different from Kafka's dramatic soap operas, but the light hearted atmosphere did help distract her from the cold.

"You know, I sometimes wish you weren't this trained. You barely reacted to anything." Bronie rolled her eyes. "I hope this rom-com would help you think about your darling little crush."
"Didn't this show came out 3 years ago?" Firefly remembered her classmates talk about it.
"Yeah but it is pretty good. I watched it myself." Bronie replied, too focused on the show that Firefly wonders if she forgot the reason why they're here in the first place.

Suddenly she spoke, "what's the guy like anyway?"

Firefly blinked owlishly. "Guy?"
"You know, that crush of yours."
"Who said it was a guy?"

To that, Bronie turned her head too fast like earlier. "Oh my god, you're gay."
Firefly flustered at that. "So what if I am. Does it even matter?"
"No, no, of course not. Look, I may be a gamer but I'm not homophobic. Heck, I'm fucking asexual." She chuckled. "I just didn't expect that your first love was a girl that's all."

Firefly huffed. "It's just a crush. You're exaggerating it too much."
"Right. Crush."
"Can you not?"
Bronie barked out a laugh. "Well what was she like then?"

As if on cue, an all too familiar face came to view at the tv. The main character's best friend seemed too familiar.
There's no way...

How could she not notice before? The way the old man was panicking over the thought that her face was not hidden. The way Stelle was wearing a way too large cap that it hid almost her entire face. The way how her beauty seemed so unbelievable to her that it can't possibly only be a passerby.

Okay, maybe the last thought was unnecessary. But this just proves how Stelle was a bigger distraction than she thought because all these details are something even an amateur assassin could notice yet she failed to create any possible outcomes to it.

"It's her." Firefly said, too lost in disbelief.
Bronie looked straight up bewildered now. Firefly could understand. Her having a crush, her possibly being gay, and now it turns out her crush was an actress.

"No way...there's no way the Stelle is your crush!" The disbelief turned into uncontrollable laughter in a span of seconds. "That's a celebrity! I gotta say you're lucky that you even bumped into her but sorry to say dude but I bet that she already forgot about you."
"Shut up!" Firefly's blush was very visible on her face now. That made a hammer land on her head. It definitely hurts but atleast it helped her be distracted from the pain in her chest. About how Bronie can possibly be right. No... she most definitely is right.

"Don't lose on me now Firefly. You were doing so well up until now." Bronie chuckled, clearly enjoying the power she has over this situation. "Now just focus on your girl on the screen."

Firefly couldn't wait for this to be over.


author's notes:
I was half-asleep writing this so it may be a bit messy and for that I apologize in advance.

a shorter chapter this time round since it's just a continuation of the last chapter :))

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