VIII - Hiking Date ! ( Gone Wrong )

279 14 4

word count: 3918

"Cut !" The frustrated declaration reverberated throughout the studio, prompting Herta's assistant, Arlan, to hurry over with a water bottle and a handkerchief in hand. Herta rubbed her temples, mustering a strained smile.

"Let's give it another shot on the next take," she sighed, her irritation palpable.
Stelle's chest sank, guilt weighing heavy. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Herta-"

"Save it. Just work on your expressions or something," Herta snapped. "We're on a tight schedule."

Stelle nodded, swallowing her remorse. "Yes, ma'am."

As she trudged back to her dressing room, Stelle felt all eyes on her, the tension thick and heavy. When I asked to be in the spotlight, this isn't what I mean!, she thought inwardly.

"Are you okay, Stelle?" Himeko, her longtime makeup artist, asked gently, guiding her to her seat. Stelle waved her off, though fatigue shadowed her usually cheerful demeanor. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

"I hope you're not giving up too easily," Himeko teased, attempting to lighten the mood. "The galactic baseballer wouldn't back down so easily, would she?"

Stelle shook her head vigorously. "Never! I've dreamed of being an action star for years, and now that it's happening, I won't let a simple mistake derail me."

Himeko chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Just make sure to get some rest, Stelle. Makeup can only do so much to hide those bags under your eyes."

"Yes, ma'am," Stelle replied with a smile.

Although she is working on her script like never before, Stelle found herself distracted by her late-night conversations with Firefly every night after work. Their chats kept her up later than usual, even with her busy schedule. Yet, she had no regrets; each exchange deepened her affection for Firefly, and their next hangout was approaching fast, adding to her determination to excel in her final shoot of the week.

However, she couldn't ignore the softening of her expressions, making it harder to act as a cold villain when needed. She attributed it partly to Firefly. The perils of falling in love, she mused silently.

"Having any issues, Stelle?" Dan Heng's sudden appearance interrupted her thoughts.

Stelle sighed, offering a half-truth. "Just feeling a bit drained from the constant shooting, that's all." It wasn't entirely false; this week's schedule had been her most grueling yet.

Although she trusted Dan Heng, she couldn't shake the fear that he might inadvertently reveal her relationship with Firefly to Welt, seeing how strict the two of them are. She couldn't risk their interference when she and Firefly were finally growing closer.

The distant clamor of the production team signaled the impending start of another round of shooting. Dan Heng nodded in encouragement, while Himeko cast her a sympathetic glance as she put the finishing touches on her makeup. "Don't dwell on the pressure. Just be yourself," she urged, nudging Stelle back toward the set.

With a resigned sigh, Stelle rose to her feet and made her way to the action field, Firefly's serious expression from weeks before lingering in her mind as she tried to fought her fondness for her.


Firefly couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the sight of Ren, typically the stoic individual, walking around the mall like a fish out of water. The fact that his face is wholely covered with a mask, shades, and beanie doesn't help.

Killer ♡ Lover  [  Stelle x Firefly  ]Where stories live. Discover now