Just worse

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Ziare's Pov

9:00 am

"Zizi honey what time is classes today" say mom.

What a lovely day today the girl I want has a boyfriend, I had sex with a girl I don't really like anymore and treated her like shit and the icing on the cake my mom is here.

"Twelve mom and it's nine now suh yuh cya mek mi sleep"  I exclaim and roll over in bed.

"Well I made waffles and eggs with bacons just the way you like it so can you please come and eat with me" she begs.

I get out of bed and hit the shower and my thoughts start to run about my childhood since my mom is here.

My mom doesn't even know the way I like my food because all our lives we were raised by a nanny, house cleaners and just everyone except my damn parents . They were never there for my sports days, my reports, PTA's my dad even missed my sixth form graduation. My parents have always been caught up with their business. I can't tell when they ever found time for us when we were kids. All I know is that our parents would appear out of no where when we get in trouble to ensure we don't pay consequences for our actions. It was almost like we were immune every law and punishment in the book and I guess we still are. This however did not make life easy for me and my siblings, they literally did what ever the hell they wanted to do especially my brother.

While mom plated the food I got dressed, I put on a black Nike hoodie, some black jeans and a pair of black and white Nike shoes. I put on my gold earrings and put some moose in may locks to jazz them up.

"Finally you're out here come on sit down let's have breakfast like a family" she says. I say a prayer and we start eating.

As weird as it sounds this is the first time my mom has ever cooked for me.

"So I take it that law school is going on well for you" she says. "Yeah mi guess yuh can seh dat" I say to her. "How has been this week so far?" she asks. "It's been quite an interesting and tiresome week" I say to her as Izzie runs on my mind.

"So what's with you and whoever that girl is that you thought I was yesterday" she says with a little grin. "A friend mom just a friend" I say as I continue eating.

"So what's the plan after law school dear" she asks. "Maybe wah people do with their law degree, practice law mom" I say and we both laugh. "Oh dam it you know what I mean" she says smilingly.

"So your dad wants you to come help out with the family business's" she says. "Isn't Zach the first born shouldn't he take care of that, I don't wanna live inah dat lifestyle" I say. "Yes he is but we have three children and it's not one business and you all need to be apart of it" she says sternly.

"No one nah go force me fi mix up inah unlawful activities, cause is like me being a lawyer nuh mean nothing to yuh or dad" I say sternly. "I don't know what you're implying Ziare" she shouts. "Yuh nuh know wah me an imply a the best ting yuh can seh bout your husband business, yuh remember that man that had some case against dad and him end up dead before court" I say as I drop my fork. "Hunny that was a coincidence" she says. "Is the fact that you gave birth to four children but only three are here is that an accident" I say as tears start to well my eyes. "You have no right to bring that up , no damn right" she shouts and moves away from the table. "Just like you nah nuh right fi come try get mi fi be apart a yuh dirty business" I say and the pick my bag up and storm out.

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