chapter twenty-eighth

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

There are many things that I can handle in this world, a child with PTSD? Check. My mother having cancer? Check. My brother sleeping with my girlfriend? Check. Waiting forty-five minutes for a date with Joliè Cartier? Well...

All that confidence I had when I finished getting dressed went right out the window just five minutes before I made it to the restaurant. It seemingly hit me that I was actually going on a date.

My first-first date-since I had breakfast with Rylee four years ago.

Suddenly overcome with the painful memories I'd rather forget, I force myself to remember where I am. What I'm about to do.

I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of the airport, the intercom reminding the mid day travelers of gate changes and departure times. I try to find five things to stabilize my beating heart and shaking hands.

I wasn't nervous, but I was feeling overwhelmed with frustration and Joliè deserves more then that from me. All I've ever been since meeting her is frustrated. I want to be better.

This is the start of something that can be everything.

I'm not so naive to be afraid of my feelings now that I've officially ended things with Rylee. In fact, I've begun to realize that yes, Rylee cheated, however, as much as I thought I loved her.

The way Joliè has been making me feel, is something that Rylee never made me feel.

I'm constantly on edge and every chocolate skin beauty I see gives me butterflies at the possibility of them being her. I've come to adore the way she grins when she catches my gaze, and the random selfies throughout the day.

I also adore the way she texts with contractions but refuses to speak with them and I especially adore that she won't let me wake up without a good morning text.

She is constantly reminding me that she's near, and that's a really refreshing feeling.

I just adore her.

The way she talks about business, not as if it were work, but play, is inspiring. If you can be a CEO and still have fun? You're definitely doing something right.

'Pull it together Ashton, now isn't the time to dwell on past relationships. Joliè deserves more then a distracted version of us' I hype myself as I shake my shoulders and the burdens trying to lay upon them.

This night-like last night-is a night for me and Joliè. Except, this time, I'm willing to flirt, and be flirted with. Though, I think Joliè's been flirting already. I want her to feel free to be herself tonight, something I will make sure she's aware of.

As I walked up to the hostess, my pulse began to quicken and the butterflies were fluttering in my chest. I immediately started to search for her. She was already here, and I could feel her.

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