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BRIAR SLAMMED THE DOOR OF THE TRUCK SHUT, pulling her bag over her shoulder.

This would be the year she'd focus on studies.

She promised Jacob and her dad that she'd try.

Seth promised he would keep her from her studies as much as possible.

Briar was grateful for Seth.

The boy in question pulled his hair back in a bun, glancing at her as the scrunchie slid off his wrist. "Nervous?" He asked with a gentle smile.

They'd grown up together. Briar's dad had two main friends when she was growing up: Charlie Swan and Henry Clearwater. With Bella in Arizona most of her life, and her being three years older than Briar anyway, she was drawn to Seth. Leah, his older sister, was five years older than the pair, so they automatically spent all of their time together.

From mudpies to dress up to dirt-bikes and hidden forts; Seth and Briar were two peas in a pod.

And when Briar told Seth she'd be leaving Forks to "find herself" in Virginia, he immediately joined in. Leah offered to come with them, but she was enrolled in school in Seattle, and Jacob told her to stay put. Keep an eye on things.

Instead, Jacob took the two to Mystic Falls, and the Cullens — repaying a debt for Jacob literally saving baby Cullen's life — purchased a small three-bedroom home for the teenagers. Jacob got a job at the local diner until he could get a job at the local mechanics.

Seth and Briar both signed up for jobs, too, to help pay the bills.

(Money wasn't free, especially not for three kids that grew up on the reservation with single parents.)

Briar worked at the Grill with her brother, but Seth found a job at Scoop's, the local ice cream shop.

He looked absolutely adorable in the little pink hat they gave him, and his dimpled smile prompted Briar to take at least twelve pictures.

"I'm all good," Briar shook her head, answering Seth's question. "Feels weird, though. Things are like...normal."

"I keep expecting to see a Cullen waltzing around," Seth grinned. "I like the sun. It's a nice change of pace."

Briar laughed at his words, nodding as they waited behind someone in line at the office. She couldn't see his face, but his brown hair was cut short and styled like some television star hero. She liked his leather jacket — it was real, she could smell it — and his boots were authentic, too.

Rich kid.

Seth and Briar exchanged a look, thinking the same thing as he turned around. Briar glanced to his face, noting the sculpted jawline and thin lips. He was tall, too, taller than Briar, but he had to be a few inches shorter than Seth.

He was cute, for sure, but his eyes were covered by dark sunglasses.

She looked away as the receptionist called them forward, handing the middle-aged woman her and Seth's paperwork.

"Perfect," the woman looked between the two. Briar noticed the nameplate read 'Susan' with all floral embroidering. "Your schedules are here," she handed them back the necessary paperwork and extra sheets of paper. "And a map. It's not a big school, but some Freshmen get lost. Normally, I'd have someone walk you to classes, but since there's three new students, we decided to void it. Your locker combinations are written at the bottom of your schedule, the sign out sheet for your gym wardrobe, Seth," she looked to him directly, "is at the bottom of your stack. Just have your guardian sign it, but Briar, since you've already done your prerequisite, you've been given art as requested. If you have any questions, the faculty are happy to help. Thank you for attending Mystic Falls High School and have a great day."

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