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 eying her green bikini subtly, but frowning when Tiki came over with a broom. 

"Sweeper duty," Tiki smirked at the pair. 

"What?" Bonnie asked, eyes narrowing. 

"We have to sweep the pavement," Tiki said condescendingly. 

Briar raised an eyebrow at the look on Tiki's face. 

"It's a car wash," Bonnie replied, hand grazing Briar's, who's heart sped up a bit at the action. "By definition, the pavement's clean."

"But not dry," Tiki countered, with a faux sympathetic smile.

"And I'm doing this why?" Bonnie asked in confusion.

"Caroline bailed," Tiki shrugged. "So that leaves me in charge." She glanced to Briar. "And, you're out of here. This is for teams only, and...we don't really need your kind's help. Seth's cute enough to stay, but you...don't really fit the bill."

Briar's face hardened at Tiki's words and Bonnie straightened, placing a hand on Briar's arm gently to stop her from snapping. 

"You can go," Bonnie scowled. "Briar stays." She looked Tiki up and down. "I don't think she's the person we need to worry about losing money."

Tiki glared at Bonnie, shoving the broom into her hands before storming off. Anger filled Bonnie's face and she didn't seem to hear or see Briar, focusing on the small puddle of water in front of her. 

Briar watched in disbelief, and pride, if she were being honest, as the puddle erupted into flames as if lit by gasoline, surging down the trinkle of water that leaked across the pavement. It lit a fire under a blue sedan that was a few feet away, igniting the vehicle. 

Briar looked between the lit car and Bonnie as someone screamed for the fire department. Briar smirked to herself at the destruction her little witch was causing. It was kind, to see her losing control like that. 

Briar wanted to see it again. 

"Bonnie!" Stefan's voice snapped Briar from her reverie as he turned Bonnie around, the fire going out as Bonnie lost concentration. "Bonnie, hey."

"What just happened?" Bonnie asked in confusion, looking between Stefan and Briar. 

"I think your Grams is onto something," Briar remarked, looking behind her to the now smoking and burned car. "And you're a feisty little thing, Bennett, I definitely like that."

"You were in some kind of trance," Stefan explained, sending Briar a stern look.

"Did I do this?" Bonnie asked fearfully. 

"I think so, yeah," Stefan answered softly.

Briar's heart sank at the girl's words, and she grabbed her hand. "No one was hurt," she told her gently. "You just need to figure it out."

"Nobody else saw, did they?" Bonnie asked tentatively, looking between Briar and Stefan. Both of them shook their heads and Bonnie softened. "No? Don't tell anybody."

"Come on," Briar spoke up, squeezing her hand. "Let's get you home."

Bonnie nodded, pulling her hand from Briar's as they walked, which Briar understood with such a judgmental group of people, and the girls walked out of the parking lot to Bonnie's car.

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