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BRIAR TIED THE APRON AROUND HER WAIST, ignoring Jacob's pointed stare and Seth's cheeky grin.

They were so annoying.

"Don't say it," Briar rolled her eyes, tossing her hair into a ponytail. "I don't want to hear it from either of you."

"I totally thought it would be a chick," Jacob voiced, eating a bag of chips on the counter. "You're literally gay."

Briar rolled her eyes. "I'm pan, Jake, I'm not only interested in women."

"But that's all you've dated," Seth added. "Except Paul, but you were like fourteen, so that doesn't count."

"Remember when you tried to get Alice to date you?" Jacob snorted. "What a fucking idiot."

Briar smirked at her brother. "I didn't tell you the details of how her, Jasper, and I—"

"Gross!" Jacob and Seth shouted together.

"Please fucking leave—"

"—Hate this, do not talk about, bleh—"

"—Alice is my favorite Cullen, why'd you have to ruin it?"

Briar smiled cheekily, tucking her notepad away. "I'm leaving before you both make me bash my head against this wall."

"A guy can dream," Jacob called after her. "If you jump in traffic, it's the same effect!"

Briar held her middle finger up and grabbed her car keys, grumbling to herself about her annoying ass family.

After turning up the radio to a loud enough volume that the boys couldn't hear her, Briar let out a scream of frustration and banged her head against the wheel.

She didn't want an imprint.

They were cool, sure, and everyone always dreamed of one — she and Seth used to say that if they ever shifted, they'd be each other's imprints (as if it were something they could choose) — but now that she'd been assigned one, she didn't fucking want him.

Briar started driving, tapping her fingers against the wheel angrily.

What kind of policy was that, anyway? To have an imprint that she couldn't choose forever until the end of fucking time.

Which, as a wolf, was a long fucking time. As long as she shifted often, she wouldn't age.

Or she could stop shifting and age with her soulmate.

Fuck that, Briar loved being a wolf.

Loved running through the woods, full speed, without a care in the world. Loved the freedom it granted her, the strength, the passion, the courage.

Briar loved being a wolf and she loved her pack. If she had to choose between them and some lame ass imprint — she'd choose them every time.

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