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BRIAR BROUGHT THE PLATES TO THE LOCKWOODS, offering a polite smile to them all. While things were tense with Tyler, he hadn't been antagonistic to her or Seth yet, just people she cared about.

His parents were a different story already.

"Oh, thank you, dear," Carol Lockwood smiled politely. Briar moved to walk away, but the woman grabbed her hand. "Stay a moment. We've got questions for our resident new girl."

"Why?" Briar asked, narrowing her eyes.

There goes her tip.

"Excuse me?" Richard raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you guys care?" She asked with a shrug. "I haven't heard of you guys bombarding Stefan Salvatore with questions."

"Well," Carol's smile tightened. "It's different with you."

Briar glanced to Tyler, who stared down at the table with wide-eyes. At least he looked semi-apologetic, or at least embarrassed. That gave her some hope for the future of this dumb town.

"Why's that?" Briar questioned harshly.

"Because you're...unique," Richard smiled tensely. "You're from a side we don't often see."

"Because I'm Indigenous?" Briar questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"It's okay to say Indian," Carol corrected. Briar's anger flared. She noticed Tyler shaking his head. "You know, we should celebrate you coming. Put on a whole festival. What is it you all wear with the feathers...? We should have a competition to see who can make the best one! You can perform your powwow and —"

"—I'm gonna stop you right there," Briar cut in. "And leave."

Briar turned quickly, shaking her head in disbelief, walking over to Vicki, who was serving Bonnie and Caroline.

"Switch me," she demanded, meeting Vicki's eyes. "He's your weird boyfriend."

"What happened?" Bonnie asked in concern, noticing her flushed cheeks and trembling hands. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Briar snapped, then softened a bit. "Sorry, lovely," she quickly amended, then turned back to Vicki, pleading. "Please. They're so racist, and I—I can't do that."

"Yeah, I got it," Vicki nodded. "You okay?"

"Fine," Briar nodded. "Tyler didn't do anything," she added at Vicki's disappointed gaze in his direction. "But he didn't correct them, either."

"Got it," Vicki nodded, squeezing her arm softly before walking off.

"You okay?" Bonnie asked again. "I know how the Lockwoods can be, my Gram and I have heard it all. Tyler's not that bad, but...they're not great, either."

"I'm fine," Briar nodded, gaze softening at Bonnie, attention flickering to Caroline. "You guys want any drinks?"

"Take a second," Caroline looked at her worriedly. "Seriously, it's okay. We're fine. Whenever you're good."

Briar smiled gratefully at the pair. "I'll bring waters over, give me a second."

"No rush, Briar," Bonnie smiled comfortingly and Briar hurried off into the kitchen, slamming her tray down angrily.

Fuck this town.

Bonnie asked Briar to go with her to the Founder's Party, but at the last minute, changed her mind.

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