Junior Heroes

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Niji, Donald, and Goofy went through the double doors to see a building and statues.

"Huh. This place is very different from the last world." Donald and Goofy nodded. Niji smiled at them then led them into the building. She looked around then went over to the only person in the room. "Excuse me?" The guy stopped what he was doing and turned around. "Why, hello there sweetheart. What can I do for you?" "What is this place?" "This is the famous coliseum. Heroes from all over come here to compete in the Games." Her eyes sparkled, "could I join?" "Sure. The last girl who came won and never came back. I expect you to stay at least." "You got it! What was her name though?" "Aqua, if I remember correctly." "Aqua? You mean Aqua came here?" "Hm? You know Aqua?" "Yeah! I met her as a child! She was super nice, but she seemed sad." "Last time I heard, she was looking for her friends, most likely Terra and Ventus." "Terra? Ven? They were here, too?! Wow. I need to be as great as them then! Sign me up!" "Alright. The name's Phil." "Niji." Phil signed her up for the preliminaries. "Rest up. It will begin soon." She smiled and nodded. She led the duo out.

"Why didn't we get to enter?!" Niji looked over at Donald. "I'm not sure, but Aqua, Terra, and Ven... they were here. I need to prove myself! I gotta protect Riku! I keep my promise!" Goofy smiled and nodded. "We know Aqua and Ventus ourselves. It's been awhile since we saw them though." She crossed her arms. "I wonder where they are now." "Are you entering the games, kid?" The trio turned to see a blue fire guy walk over to them. "Who are you?" Donald pointed at him with narrowed eyes. "Whoa, hold on there, fuzzy boy." "I am. Now tell us who you are." "Hades, Lord of the Dead. I'm rooting for you, kid." He walked off.

Niji shook her head then went back into the building. "I hope you're ready kid." She smiled at Phil and nodded. "I'm ready!" "Alright. Get on out there." She nodded then walked out to the arena.

Match 1: Shadow Scout

Niji summoned her Keyblade and took out the Heartless. "Oh yeah!" She twirled the Keyblade then set it on her shoulder.

"You ain't doing bad. Lucky you came to see me for coaching." Niji smiled and placed her arms behind her head. A tall blonde male walked by them. She looked over at him and he looked at her. "Something tells me he'll be a tough one to beat. Who knows, maybe you'll end up facing him."

Match 2: Sinisters

Niji took out Heartless once again.
"Say, you're better than I thought, kid! Wish he was here to see this." "Who?" "Hercules. He's a hero if ever there was one. Too bad he's off visiting his father." Niji nodded then turned to Donald and Goofy. "Aren't I awesome?" Donald crossed his arms. "I guess." "Hey! I've been fighting since childhood! My brother and best friend are really good opponents to go up against." Goofy smiled and laughed a bit. "I hope to meet them real soon!" She smiled over at Goofy.

Final Match: Cloud

Niji got ready as Cloud did the same. "Cloud is your name, huh? I'm Niji, which is rainbow. This is a really cool match up. Let's see who wins!" Cloud nodded then rushed towards her. She dodge rolled and swung. He blocked her attack then jumped away from her. "I could be in trouble. You're older than me, so you have a lot more experience." He jumped at her and slammed his sword down at her. She jumped out of the way before the sword was plunged into her. She landed on her ass. "You could've killed me!" She got up and ready.

"Sorry, kid. It's my job." Niji clenched her fist then looked away. "I forfeit then. This isn't fun anymore." Cloud stood normally. He turned around though once he heard something. A huge black three headed dog was towering over him. The dog attacked him, pinning the sword down. It went to attack again, but got stopped by a guy. "Herc!" "Phil, get them out of here!" She ran away with the others.
The trio stood with a worried Phil back in the main area.

"Whew, that was close! That Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. Herc should be able to handle him. But then again, maybe not... this doesn't look good." Niji looked at the doorway where they left through. She nodded and went towards it. "Kid, you're not entering the arena, are ya?" "We can't just stand around and do nothing!" She turned to Phil. "I'm going to help him. Let's go Donald, Goofy!" She ran on out. The duo followed after her.

Cerberus cornered Hercules who held the unconscious Cloud. The dog turned once it heard the heroes. They got ready as Cerberus turned around. Hercules quickly ran off with Cloud. "Kid, I got two words of advice for you: attack!" The dog roared. The trio ran around and attacked from different angles. Niji used both Fire and Thunder. Donald used Fire and Goofy just bashed with his shield. Cerberus soon fell to the ground, exhausted.

The trio went back to Phil and Hercules.

Niji looked around, not seeing Cloud at all. She shrugged then stood in front of the duo with her companions. "Thus, I hearby dub thee Junior Heroes, and confer upon thee full rights and privileges to participate in the games. Further--" "Hey! What do you mean 'Junior Heroes'?" "You rookies still don't understand what it takes to be a true hero." "So, what does it take?" "Well, that's just something you'll have to find out for yourselves. Just the way that I did." "Alright, then we will participate innyhe games as a team. Not just me. It's nice to fight with your friends." "You'll be waiting for awhile." "Just fine. Just hit us up. See ya!"

The trio walked out of there.

They walked over to Cloud. "Hey, um... are you ok? Why did you go along with him anyway?" Cloud closed his eyes and leaned into the back of his hands. "I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help." He got up. "I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired." He looked up at the sky. "I fell into darkness, and I couldn't find the light." "I'm sure you'll find it." He looked at her. "I'm searching as well." "For your light?" She nodded. "Don't lose sight of it." He walked passed the group. "Hey! We should spar sometime! You'll be a great partner!" He looked at her and flicked his hair. "I think I'll pass." He walked off.

The trio left the world.

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