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The four stood on the other side of a gate, surrounded by spooky stuff.

Niji looked at herself then her friends. "Whoa! You guys look so cool!" She smiled. Donald and Goofy looked at her then each other. "More like scary." "Gawrsh. Guess we will fit right on in then!" She giggled and nodded. "Yeah. This is super cool though. I love Halloween. It's my favorite time of the year. Free candy. Riku and I would always trade." She looked at Riku. Riku smirked a bit, "you just wanted my candy for yourself." "Hey!" The duo laughed a bit. "Let's get going!"

They nodded and passed through the gate.

An explosion went off and Heartless appeared. They got ready, but they weren't attacked. "And now, allow me to introduce the master of terror, the king of nightmares-- Jack Skellington!" The Heartless moved then Jack appeared from the green fountain, posing. The guy who announced him came running. "Bravo, Jack! Bravo! Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!" Jack went to him. "Thank you, thank you. But their movement still needs work. It's not scary enough. I want to strike bone-chilling terror." He made a scary face then stood straight. "I'm going to consult the doctor." He walked away. "Then I'll go attend to the decorations."

Niji turned to the gang. "What was that all about?" Donald crossed his arms. "It doesn't seem good." "Donald." She shook her head. "We should go after him." They looked at Riku. "Yeah. You're right. Let's go!" They made their way to the Laboratory.

"I don't understand. Maybe the guidance system was damaged in the explosion." "Nonsense. My devices are always perfect!" "Oh! I've goot it! Why, of course! The Heartless need a heart! Doctor, do you think we can add a heart to that device?" The doctor wheeled to the end of the table. "Certainly. A heart's not all that complicated. Let's get to work." He got out a beating sack heart with a lock. "To make a heart, first you need a container with a lock..." "We need the key to this thing first!"

Niji looked over at the trio. "The Heartless weren't attacking here. I don't think they need a heart. It might make them hostile." Riku nodded, "smart thinking Niji. Let's just find Oogie Boogie. He's the main bad of this world, like how Jafar was in Agrabah." "Riku? You were there?" He looked away. "I'm the one to kidnapped Jasmine." She looked shocked but then shook her head. "You're with us now, Riku. We can make up for everything." He stared at her, "Niji." She smiled at him and took his hand. "We're your friends after all." He smiled a bit and nodded.

"Sorry guys, but no heart." Niji went over to Jack and the doctor. "Hm? And why is that?" "It could make them attack the people here. So, no heart." "You maybe right. Thank you... um..." "Niji." "Thank you, Niji. So means we gotta just ease up to them and maybe they'll dance with me!" She smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Oh um... do you know where Oogie Boogie is?" "Oogie Boogie? I know where he lives. Why do you need to go see him?" "He's in league with some pretty awful people. We need to put a stop to him." Jack nodded, "then let's go take care of business."

They all left towards Oogie Boogie's mansion.

They crossed the bridge and went up the tree. They entered a room where three kids were hanging out in.

"Lock, Shock, and Barrel." The three looked over. "Jack!" "Where's Oogie Boogie?" "We don't know!" "Yeah!" Niji got in front. "Tell us!" They soon started attacking the group. The gang took out the kids. "He's down below in his room! The lever here will unlock it!" ""Barrel!"" She went to the lever and pulled it. "Thanks kids." The gang left them be.

The group got to the crazy room.

"Oogie Boogie, you won't cause trouble anymore!" Oogie Boogie looked over at them. "Oh yeah? Just come and stop me!" The group were trapped below with many traps of his, but onelce they locked him in a small space, they clobbered him. He broke and bugs came out of the sack. "We did it!" Niji hugged Riku, smiling. Riku chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. We just have three more to go." She nodded and held his hand. "Let's get going then." They all went back to the Laboratory, not before locking the Keyhole.

"Jack, are you alright?" Jack went over to a girl. "I'm fine, Sally. My new friends helped me take down Oogie Boogie. He was going to ruin Halloween for us." Sally smiled and held his hands. "I'm glad."

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