Every Single Cup

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Niji, Sora, and Riku walked through the Coliseum's doors.

"So why are we here, Niji?" Niji looked over at Sora. "I got Tournaments to win, of course. I decided to go in it alone. You can see more of my skills that I learned during my journey." Sora smiled, "awesome! I can't wait to watch! Right, Riku?" He looked at Riku. Riku looked at him and nodded. "Better not disappoint us, Niji." "You'll be seeing me as the best of the best!" She frowned, "but... Riku... you never gained a Keyblade like I did." He looked away, "it's fine. I don't really deserve one." "Huh? What do you mean?" "My Keyblade... chose you." Her eyes widened. "What?" "The Keyblade... it was supposed to be mine... but... I think because I chose darkness... it went down to you. You are so full of light, Niji." "Riku..." She hugged him tightly. "You've changed since we reunited again." He nodded, "yeah."

Niji smiled at him happily then dragged the two to the Coliseum.
"Ah! Niji! Where are Donald and Goofy?" Niji looked over at Hercules. "They aren't with me right now. I came with Sora and Riku, my brother and best friend." "It's nice to meet you guys. The name's Hercules." Sora smiled, "nice to meet you too!" "So, here to enter the games?" She smiled and nodded. "Yep! I'm gonna enter them all!" "Wow. You sure are eager to prove yourself." "I am. I need to get stronger. I'm gonna beat Hades then go off to save the day like I've been doing since I left here and before I got here." "I see. Well, good luck."

Niji led the boys into the Coliseum, to where Phil was.

"Niji! Perfect timing! We got a lot of games for you to participate in." Niji smiled at Phil. "That's why I'm here, to win every cup!" "I like your enthusiasm kid. Who are these two?" "My brother and best friend. They came to watch me win!" Sora smiled and nodded. "Yeah!" Riku crossed his arms and chuckled. "Alright. Here's the list of cups we have available. Which is all of them." She took the list and looked it over. "Alright. Sora, you choose." He nodded then looked it over. "Pegasus Cup!" He smiled at her. She smiled and nodded. "Alright. Pegasus Cup is first then! Wish me luck!" She placed the list down then ran out. The duo followed then sat next to each other on the stone bleachers.

Pegasus and Phil Cup

Niji swept the floor through the Pegasus Cup.

Phil ran out with the list. "You did well, kid. You should do my cup next." She smiled and nodded. "Got it!" He stood with Sora and Riku as she went through the Phil Cup. "Your sister is pretty good, kid." Sora smiled and put his hands behind his head. "We three are the strongest out of our friends." "Yeah, but... you were seen as the stronger one, Riku." "Really?" "Yeah. Niji sees you as the strongest." "I know." "Next up is Hercules' Cup!" Niji looked over, eyes lit up. "Yes! I get to fight Hercules!" She fist pumped the air.

Niji went through the Hercules Cup with ease.

4th Seed: Cloud

Niji smiled as she saw Cloud walk up. "Hey, Cloud! Looks like we are getting our rematch!" Cloud stared at her and nodded. "Yeah. Seems so." She got ready, "let's do this!" He got ready himself.

They fought well, blocking each other's attacks. Niji dodged his air attacks then used Strike Raid to end the match.

Cloud stood up and messed with his hair. "You've improved." Niji smiled at him. "Thanks! It was fun fighting you!" He nodded then went off on his own.

Niji continued to sweep up the competition.

1st Seed: Hercules

Hercules walked on out and stepped into the arena.

"If I beat you, then I know I'll be able to beat Hades!" Niji smirked and summoned her Keyblade. She got ready for the match. Hercules got ready himself. "You've gotten this far. You might just have what it takes."
They rushed into battle. Niji dodged a lot and used Sonic Blade against Hercules. Hercules got knocked out of the arena.

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