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Niji, Donald, and Goofy arrived in Agrabah at the entrance. Heartless appeared and they took them all out aas they went further into town.

"Oh, Niji, your outfit changed." Niji looked over at Goofy then herself. "Whoa! What the-?!" "It's my magic. I made sure you would fit in more." She looked at Donald and smiled. "Thanks, Donald." "You have a crown, too! You're a princess!" She looked at Goofy again then felt her head. "Whoa... cool!" She twirled around then posed. "Donald, you're awesome!" Donald crossed his arms and nodded. "Of course!" She turned away from them. "This outfit feels so... familiar..."

The trio went into an alleyway to look around.

"Who's there? Hello?" They looked over at the girl who was dressed kinda like Niji. "I'm Jasmine. My father is the sultan of Agrabah." "Uh... so that makes you a princess." Jasmine looked at Goofy. "But he has been deposed by Jafar, who now controls city." "Jafar?" "You haven't heard of him?" "No. We're from my Kingdom, Jasmine. I'm Princess Niji. This is Donald, my Royal Magician and Goofy, the Captain of my army." Donald and Goofy looked at each other. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm sorry your visit isn't the best timing." "It's alright, but who is Jafar?" "He's the royal vizier. He's gained evil powers and seized Agrabah. He's desperately looking for something-- something he calls the 'Keyhole'. Jafar caught me trying to escape, but he helped me." "Who?" "We were hiding nearby, but he left awhile ago to take care of something... oh, I hope Aladdin's alright."

"Aladdin? Where might I find this street rat?" The four looked up to see Jafar. "Jasmine, allow me to find you more suitable company, my dear princess." "Hey! I'm right here!" "Hmph. You are, but you little rats won't do." "Why you?! Jasmine, get out of here!" Jasmine ran off quickly. Niji summoned her Keyblade. "Ah, the girl who holds the key." Heartless appeared and Jafar left. The trio took them out then got out of there.

The trio entered a building that had a broken wall. Niji freed the carpet trapped then it flew off. "It went towards the desert. Let's go!" They ran off and to the desert. They got onto the carpet and it flew them off.

They got to a guy stuck in quick sand. They took out the Heartless and saved the guy. More Heartless showed up though. "Gawrsh, not again!" The guy got up and got out a lamp. He rubbed it quickly. "Genie, get rid of these guys!" Genie came out of the lamp. "Wish Number One, coming right up!" Genie snapped his fingers and the Heartless disappeared.

They all got to the bright desert.
"I see... thanks, Niji." "Why were you out here, Aladdin?" Niji crossed her arms. "Same old stuff. Hunging legendary treasure. Just paid a visit to the Cave of Wonders. I found that magic carpet," Aladdin got out the lamp. "And this lamp. Legend has it that whoever holds the lamp can summon the--" "Please, kid, leave the intros to a professional. The one and only GENIE OF THE LAMP!" Genie rubbed the lamp a bit. "Rub-a-dub-dub the lamp and have your dearest wishes granted." Confetti popped over Aladdin. "Today's winner is... Aladdin!" He shook his hand. "Congratulations!"

"Any wish?" Genie waved his finger in front of Donald. "Patience, my fine, feathered friend! Any three wishes! A one wish, a two wish, a three wish. Then I make it like a banana and split." He disappeared the reappeared next to Aladdin. "So he has two wishes left?" Niji looked up at him. "Yep!" She looked at Aladdin. "What is your next wish, Aladdin?" Aladdin started to think. "How about a prince?" "Huh? Why a prince?" "You see... there's this girl, named Jasmine. But she's a princess. She could never fall for a guy like me." "Princess?" "Jasmine?" "Oh! Jasmine is in trouble, Aladdin!" "What?! What are we waiting for?! Let's go, Niji!"

Everyone got on carpet and it flew off towards the city.

"Ah, fresh air! The great outdoors!" Niji looked over at Genie. "Don't get out much?" "Comes with the job. Phenomenal cosmic powers. Itty bitty living space. It's always three wishes, then back to my portable prison. I'm lucky to see the light of day every century or two..." "Say, Genie, what if I use my last wish to free you from the lamp? What do you think?" "You'd do that?" "Genie, it's a promise. After we help Jasmine."

They arrived outside the palace walls. Jafar was there with Jasmine.
"Setting your sights a little high, aren't you, boy? Back to your hole, street rat. I will not allow you to trouble the princess anymore." "Jasmine!" "I'm so sorry, Aladdin." Niji glared a bit. "He really thinks he can just kidnap a princess? He has another thing coming." She blinked as Jafar vanished and a pot crab Heartless was now in front of them.

They fought it, but Jasmine was nowhere to be found and Jafar could be heard laughing. "To the desert! Come on!" They rushed off and took carpet back to where they found Aladdin. The Cave of Wonders rose up and darkness covere its eyes. They fought it and returned it back to normal. They rushed into the cave and traveled inside to get to their destination.

The group entered the Lamp Chamber.

"Are you... Maleficent?" Maleficent disappeared. "Jafar, let Jasmine go!" "Not a chance. You see, she's a princess-- one of seven who somehow hold the key to opening the door." "Open...?" "The door...?" "But you fools won't live to see what lies beyond it. Genie! My second wish. Crush them!" "Genie, no!" "Sorry, Al. The one with the lamp calls the shots. I don't have a choice."

Jafar blocked the area off. The battle started. "Give me strength! Simba!" Niji summoned Simba and he helped them out. He was defeated and screamed in agony.

The group got to Jasmine. "Genie! My final wish! I want you to make me, an all-powerful genie!" Genie granted the wish and the floor fell apart with Jafar going down. They jumped on down and looked around. Jafar as a genie came up. "The lamp! Get it Niji!" "Right!" Niji rushed at Iago and jumped at him. She caught him and took the lamp. "Get inside the lamp, Jafar!" She held up the black lamp and it sucked Jafar inside. They got back up. "Jasmine? Jasmine!" Niji turned and locked the Keyhole. They got Aladdin onto the carpet and carpet flew them right on out of there.

The group got to Aladdin's house.
"So, Jasmine's no longer in Agrabah. Niji, let's go find her." Niji frowned and crossed her arms. "Sorry, but you can't come with us. It would hurt the balance. We'll find her though. I promise." Genie slapped Aladdin's back. "Uh, earth to Al. Hello? You still have one wish left. Look, just say the word. Ask me to find Jasmine for you." "I... I wish... for your freedom, Genie." "Al!" Genie was now free from his prison. "A deal's a deal, Genie. Now, you can go anywhere you want. You're your own master. But if you can, it'd be great if you could go along with them and help Niji find Jasmine." Genie turned, arms crossed. "Sorry, Al. I'm done taking orders from others. But..." He looked back at Aladdin. "A favor, now that's entirely different. I guess I could give that a try." He wrapped his arm around Aladdin's shoulder. "After all, we're pals, right, Al?" "Genie..." "Just leave it to me!"

The trio left the world.

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