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[Traverse Town]

Sora looked over as Maleficent appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?" "I am Maleficent. I believe I have found someone you have been searching for. Her name was Kairi I believe." Sora looked surprised. "Kairi..." "Would you like to see her?" "I..." "She's lost her heart though. But I believe I can get it back for her." "Take me to her. Please." "Alright. Follow me child."

[Gummi Ship]

"Uh, a big ship is catching up to us." "Quit gawking! That's--" "Captain Hook's ship! Sora and Kairi are aboard!" Riku looked over at Niji. "We need to get to them!" Niji nodded then flew right at the ship.

[Hook's Ship]

Niji and Riku looked around the deck then turned around.

"Riku. Niji." Sora smiled. "You're here!" He jumped down and ran to them. Niji hugged Sora tightly. "Sora..." He hugged back. "Kairi's heart is gone..." He pulled away. "Maleficent is going to get it back!" "Huh?" "Sora. We should do it together. Forget Maleficent." He shook his head. "Kairi is already in Hollow Bastion." "So? We'll go there and take out Maleficent!"

"I don't think you'll be going to the ruins of Hollow Bastion."

The trio looked over at Hook. "We're going to stop you!" Niji summoned her Keyblade and Riku summoned his weapon. "I have a hostage. Do you want to risk the girl's life?" The duo made their weapons disappear. "Hmph. Just like I thought." The floor opened and the trio fell.

They fell on top of Donald and Goofy.

"Quack! What's the big idea?!" Sora got off of the group. Riku got up next. "Sorry, Donald." Niji got up and helped her friends up. "We now have to save Kairi!" Sora smiled and nodded. "Yeah!" "Ahem!" The group turned around. "How ya doin' there? Looking for a way out?" A boy came out from the barrels. "Yeah, but I think I can get us out of here." "Really? Let's see it then." She summoned her Keyblade and used it to unlock door. She opened it up and smiled. "Wow. You weren't kidding. The name's Peter Pan." "I'm Niji. These are my friends Donald and Goofy. And this is my best friend Riku and my brother Sora." A small girl flew into the room. "This is Tinkerbell. Did you find Wendy?" Bell noises were made. "Nice going, Tink. Let's go save her." "Yeah. Let's go."

The group left and fought through the Heartless.

"So, uh, how come you can fly?" Everyone stopped and looked at Goofy then at Peter Pan. "Anyone can fly. You wanna try?" Tinkerbell used pixie dust on the whole group. "There. Now you can fly." Donald flapped his wings up, but fell. Tinkerbell laughed at him. Niji giggled then closed her eyes. She floated off the ground. "Niji is flying! Way to go!" Sora nodded then did the same. "This feels... familiar to me." She looked over at him. "Really? How come?" "I don't know." Riku crossed his arms, watching them.

Tinkerbell flew up to the short roof. "What is it, Tink?" "Peter? Peter Pan?" A girl got to them from above. "Wendy." "Please hurry! The pirates are coming!" "What?! I'll be right up there! Just hold on!" Wendy was soon dragged away, screaming a bit. "Wendy! Let's go, Niji!" Niji nodded to him.

The group rushed off quickly. They got back up to the deck, where Hook held Wendy and Heartless surrounded them.

"Let her go, Hook!" Peter Pan got out his dagger. "I wouldn't try to save her, Peter Pan! One move and the Heartless will devour her heart!" He glared at Hook then put it away. Sora glanced at Tinkerbell. "Get him, Tinkerbell." Tinkerbell flew at Hook and kicked him in the face. Hook fell and Peter Pan grabbed Wendy. He went off quickly with her. Hook got up then ticking was heard. "Oh no! Not again! It's after me other hand!" The pirate captain ran away. "Get them, Smee!"

Smee rushed off himself and the group took out the Heartless.

Peter Pan got back to the group. Riku looked at him, "we have to take down Hook." He nodded then led everyone to the door of the office. He knocked on the door. "Is that you, Smee? Did you finish them off?" "Aye, Captain. They walked the plank, every last one of them." Hook came out and looked around. He went up and poked Hook with his dagger. Hook screamed and jumped, turning around. "P-Peter Pa-- blast you!" "Ready to make a splash, you codfish? Now it's your turn to walk the plank!"

The group took out Hook and the ship Heartless. Hook landed in the water then ran away from the crocodile.
Riku looked at Niji, "nice work." Niji smiled at him. "You as well! We make a great team, Riku!" He chuckled. Sora smiled at the duo. "C'mon. We gotta go see Wendy." They looked at Peter Pan. They all flew off together back to London. They landed on the clock near Wendy. Niji locked up the Keyhole after fixing the clock. She got back to her friends.

"Peter, are you really going back to Neverland?" "Afraid so. But we can see each other any time. As long as you don't forget about Neverland, that is." Peter Pan and Wendy held hands. Donald laughed at Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell flew around the cute duo then went back to Sora. "Oh, boy. She's gettin' steamed. Do me a favor. Look after her for me, will ya?" "What?" Sora looked at him.

[Gummi Ship]

"Back to Traverse Town, right?" Niji looked over at Donald.

Donald nodded at her. "We need to go see Cid about preparing the ship for Hollow Bastion." "We need to stop Hades though." Niji nodded, then smiled. "Drop Riku, Sora, and I off at Olympus Coliseum. We all will regroup to go to Hollow Bastion. Also, see Fairy Godmother about our new friends we are about to make." "Niji, are you sure?" She smiled at Goofy and nodded. "Yeah!"

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