five ★

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"when's it supposed to happen? this...apocalypse?" luther asked five who was sitting up, playing with y/n's hair as she slept.

"i can't give you the exact hour but, from what i could gather, we have four days left."

luther looked at his brother in disbelief, "why didn't you say something sooner?"

"it wouldn't have mattered."
"of course it would. we could've banded together to try and help you stop this thing."
"for the record, you already tried."

the girl stirred in her sleep, slowly waking up but her eyes remained closed.

"what do you mean?" luther was met with silence as five looked down, remembering what he had seen of his siblings.

"i found all of you." the boy looked up at his brother, taking his hand away from the girl's head, causing her to fully wake up at the loss of his touch.

"your bodies..."
"we die?"

the girl shot up at this and stared at the teenaged boy next to her, "what?"

five began to have flashbacks of all of his sibling's faces from their corpses, lingering on the moments where he held y/n as he cried.

"horribly. you were together," five took y/n's hand into his, softly caressing her knuckles to calm her down just like he used to when they were kids, "trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world."

y/n looked at the boy, admiring his now saddened features, 'god, i can't imagine what he must've felt...'

"wait, how do you know that?" luther asked, five pulled out a cloth covered eye from his pocket, letting go of the girl's hand to reveal it to their brother.

"this was clutched in your dead hand when i found you."  he held it up to display it before tossing it to the man.

luther inspected it, "must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down."

"whose head?"
"like i said, i don't know."

luther turned it over, "there's a serial number on the back, think maybe you could try-"

"no, that's a dead end."
"yeah, that's why we camped out in that dusty van." the girl said as she stood up, walking to the middle of the room and beginning to stretch.

five watched her for a few seconds then looked back at the eye and chuckled softly, "its just another hunk of glass." he took the eye back from luther.

the door suddenly bursted open, a yelp and a few startled sparks coming from the girl before she realized it was diego.

"piece of shit." he said as he made it was down the stairs in a hurry, luther standing up and pushing y/n behind him protectively.

"do you have any idea what you just did?" diego was stopped by luther as y/n stood in front of five, shielding him.

she held out one hand and five looked at it to see a small ball of electricity, slowly growing the more diego struggled to go after the boy behind her.

"nope- let me- get your ape hands off of me!" diego was lifted off the ground, "i can do this as long as it takes you to calm down."

"don't say that to him!" the ball in y/n's hand grew larger, her eyes started to glow, diego seeing this made him immediately stop his struggling and anger.

he remembered the night where she was about to kill one of the attackers, 'was she gonna do that to me?'

the girl sensed her brother's fear, and it made her eyes go back to normal, the ball fizzling out.

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