seven ★

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on the seventh hour of the first day of october, 1989, a woman went into labor.

a nurse carried the baby to the father right after birth, "mr. jenkins, meet your son." she handed the baby to him.

this was unusual in no way whatsoever. the culmination of a normal, average pregnancy.

"harold." the father whispered.

the child was average in every way. unfortunately for the world, the circumstances of his raising...

the mother's heart monitor beeped rapidly; nurses ran to her aid.

were anything but.

"get a crash cart in here now!"
"bp 80 over 40, she's coding."


"help, harold! help us!" a boy pretended like his action figures were calling for his assistance while in a fight.

"worry not, umbrella academy. i'll save you from the evil doctor terminal. bang! bang!" he continued to knock down villains as he played, stopping when his father arrived home.

"harold, put away those stupid dolls and get me a beer. and hurry up about it!" the boy obliged to his father's orders.

the boy got side-tracked by looking at an umbrella academy comic, admiring the picture of their action figures on the back.

number one held his arms up, two was throwing a knife, three had a hand up to her mouth, four held one of his hands out, five was running, six was unleashing two tentacles from his stomach, and eight, the boy's favorite, held two balls of lightning in her hands. his eyes lingered on her before looking at the limited addition sir reginald hargreeves figure.

he flipped through the comic before turning around, getting slapped by his father for taking too long.

the boy sewed his own umbrella academy uniform and cut out a mask as he cried.

he put the mask on when he was finished.


the boy was wearing his homemade uniform and going through a crowd of people who were waiting at the academy mansion, looking at the car that had pulled up in front of the estate, holding the members inside.

everyone began to cheer as sir reginald hargreeves got out of the driver's seat, number one exiting on the passenger side.

numbers six, four, and two exited the car on their father's side as numbers three and eight exited on one's side.

the two girls followed their brothers up the walkway, but number eight was stopped by the boy grabbing her arm.

"excuse me, i'm your biggest fan."
"hey, hey, hey, you're not supposed to be in here." number one said as he grabbed the boy's arm away from his sister.

"get back behind the barricade!" reginald hargreeves said as the crowd went quiet and watched while number one wrapped an arm around eight's shoulder to guide her inside the house.

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