eight ★

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thunder rumbled as the rain fell down quickly as allison continued to drive through the night, y/n snoring softly in the passenger seat.

allison began to think of her daughter, claire, and how she had rumored her, causing the downfall of her marriage.

she started to tear up as she remembered her past rumors.

"i heard a rumor i made the soccer team."
"i heard a rumor you wanna be my friend."
"i heard a rumor that you like broccoli."
"i heard a rumor you left me alone."
"i heard a rumor that you stopped crying."
"i heard a rumor that i did it in one take."
"i heard a rumor that you think i'm perfect for the role."
"i heard a rumor that you love me."

she began to speed up the car, the engine revving.


they made it up to jenkins' grandmother's cabin, it was daylight now and y/n was awake, still rubbing the leftover sleep from her eyes.

allison stopped the car and opened the file again, making sure the address was correct.

"stay here." she told her visibly younger sister as she got out of the car to inspect the house.

y/n obeyed her orders as she was too tired still.

allison eventually came back to the car, "i saw her violin case but neither of them are here."

the teenager nodded as they began to drive away.


they were stuck in traffic, but y/n looked ahead as lights caught her eye. "look." she pointed, "police. something happened here."

allison looked in the direction her sister was pointing at, "maybe vanya was here." she said as they shared a look before putting on sunglasses and getting out.

allison saw a familiar scarf hanging from a sign, grabbing it so her and y/n could inspect it, "vanya." she confirmed.

allison started to walk away, going beyond the police tape as y/n called out to her, following her but staying behind the tape.

"hey, pardon me, ma'am." an officer ran up, "i gotta ask you to stay behind the lines there. we had an accident here last night."

"what kind of accident?"
"ma'am. the line, please."
"okay. yes. sorry." allison went under the tape, standing next to her sister.

"got a lot of stuff on the ground, okay? to be wary of."
"what happened?"
"well, we're still trying to figure that all out. as soon as we do, you'll be able to read it in the newspaper along with everybody else, okay? so, have a nice day." he started to walk away.

allison sighed and took her sunglasses off, "look, officer, if there is any way-"

the cop turned around and was shocked at the sight of her, "holy shit! you're allison hargreeves, right?" y/n rolled her eyes behind her shades.

"i saw you on tv like two nights ago in that sandra bullock movie about the underpaid teachers that rob a bank." y/n's eyes widened, 'she worked with sandra bullock?!'

"yeah, that's me."
"oh! wow. hey. if i'm being honest, my wife and i, we prefer you in the romantic comedies."
"yeah, the love on loan trilogy. ouf! we can't get enough." he chuckled.

his talkie went off, "copy, cheddar?"

"yeah, what do you got, fried?"
"hospital called. perp from last night just regained consciousness."
"copy that, i'll be right over." he replied before staring at allison and smiling "allison freakin' hargreeves! wow. ah, my wife's not gonna believe it."

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