four ✿

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late february, 1962.

y/n and peter were making out in his bedroom. he was on top of her as they laid on the bed. he began to unbutton her shirt, pulling away to look at her. he looked at her chest and saw a scar, her bullet wound scar.

"woah, is that from an actual bullet? like, you've been shot before?"

the girl laughed nervously, "uh...yeah."

"wait, like, actually? how'd ya survive?"

she began to remember how her father revived her, how she hated the black veins and blindness that she had to live with due to it.

"u-uhm...y'know, really good doctors and tons of healing."

the blonde nodded, "that's so cool..." he pecked her lips, "and hot."

the girl giggled, "you're so weird."

"but you love me." he started to kiss her neck as she furrowed her brows.

'love? i mean, we've said it before, but every teenager says that when they're in a relationship. do i actually love peter?  i mean, i loved ben for sure but that was more like...attachment? i only got close to him because i missed five. holy shit, five. five is the reason i'm with peter. i don't love peter, i love five.'


early 1963.

y/n was walking down the street, waving to the people who had greeted her first.

she turned the corner and almost bumped into a tall and buff man.

"oh, sorry!" the two said in unison, stopping in their tracks as they recognized each other's voices.

they both turned around, shock all over their faces.

"luther?!" they ran up and hugged each other, the buff man picked her up and spun around.

he put her back on the ground, "holy shit, i thought i was the only one!"

"me too!" the girl exclaimed as her brother looked down at her.

"oh my god." he smiled, "this feels so surreal."

the girl nodded and giggled, "right?"

her brother sighed, "i-i'm sorry. for everything. i-"

"luther, don't. its okay. its all in the past- well, future, now. i forgive you, remember that anytime you feel guilty." 


november eighteenth, 1963.

y/n and five were waiting by the cars outside of luther's building.

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