one ☂

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*although this season is a fairly huge timeskip and five & y/n are now 25, i will still be referring to them as 'the boy' and 'the girl' like i've been doing. i know the past two seasons kinda gave me a pass for that but this season they're full-fledged adults so i hope its not too bad/confusing. i just do it bc this book is about them/started with them as teens & its to differentiate them from the rest of the characters.



six years later.

christmas lights illuminated the trees as the holiday spirit was in full swing, completed by the falling snow.

two identical men sat across from each other as they played against a couple in a euchre tournament.

"your play, gene." the only woman at the table said to her husband across from her.

the woman's husband, gene, looked at her with a small smug smile, "thank you, jean." he said as he laid his card face up on the table.

one of the men chuckled out a small scoff before placing his own card down, tapping it a bit.

"ooh!" jean softly gasped as she glanced at her husband, "look at merle. big dick move." she said as she moved her gaze onto the man that just played.

"don't be using that language." merle's twin brother scolded as he looked at jean.

jean returned the glare, "what? are you gonna lay me on your lap and spank me, milt?" she teased, winking towards merle afterwards.

"nothing wrong with a good spankin'." gene said suggestively as he smirked and winked at his wife, her returning the gesture.

jean then put down her card, "trump." she announced then looked at the twins' disappointed faces before shifting her eyes to her husband, "thank you for the setup, gene."

"you are welcome, jean." gene replied before looking at milt, "you just got euchred, peewee."

"the hell with this, merle." milt said as he slammed his deck on the table.

"yeah." merle agreed as they both started to get up, "let's find another table, huh?"

"game's not over, fellas." jean spoke, sounding slightly sweet due to her accent.

merle scoffed and tapped the cards in the middle, "it is for us." he said as he and his brother got out of their chairs.

"oh, alright." jean responded as she grabbed a notepad and pencil, "so i'll put you down as a forfeit then?"

"says who?" milt asked in a rather sassy manner.

"league rules." gene answered.

"walk away, and you're out of the tournament." jean mocked, making merle groan as he and his brother sat back down. jean then put the notebook and pencil down, "they're back." she smiled to her husband.

gene looked over to the entry doors of the hall where the tournament is taking place, making eye contact with a man who signaled with a head nod to meet him outside. gene then cleared his throat, looking at his wife then back to the man, turning his head a bit so she'd get the message.

jean turned to see the man, turning back with pursed lips as she tapped her hands on the table lightly, "gotta whiz." she grinned before getting up.

"right behind you." gene added as he also stood up.

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