Chapter 25 - Joseph

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It's been a couple days since Sarah has heard anything from Patrick. I blame myself. I should've stopped her from telling them. Held her prisoner in my room all day, her punishment a sea of endless orgasms. Though I knew that I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs to the world that Sarah was my girl, we... could've fuckin' waited. We could've taken our time and let this thing between us breathe a little. Let her breathe a little.

When she showed up at that restaurant New Year's Eve, I wanted her so badly, it was like Christmas morning all over again, and she was the sparkling present under the tree that I couldn't wait to rip open. What we did was impulsive. Reckless. We were hyped up on emotions and adrenaline. Slaves to our desires. I don't regret what happened. Having Sarah in my bed is something I would never regret. But I do wish I'd handled it differently. Our union was sloppy and disorganized. Fuck, she deserved better.

But I suppose none of that matters now. She and I it seems were inevitable, so what difference did it make when we spilled the news? At least, that's what I told myself when we showed up at my parent's house that late afternoon for a family dinner, only days after divulging everything to Patrick and Violet.

I pull in behind Patrick's car, William's car just in front of his. Everyone's here and everyone knows about Sarah and me. Everyone apart from William. He's the last one who will learn of this news. This new relationship status. Even though I've known Sarah for years. Been her shoulder to cry on, her confidant and friend in every sense of the word, we've added yet another noun to our hyphenated affiliation. Lover.

I cut off the engine and Sarah squeezes my hand tight. Violet is watching her iPad in the backseat, humming softly along to some theme song. I'm nervous but also feel full of dread. Excited but tense. It's a strange conundrum I've found myself in. But I'm grateful to have this gorgeous and strong woman beside me to help me power through it.

My parents took the news surprisingly well. I was sweating bullets when I told them though. I thought they would scold me. Tell me how wrong I was to go after the woman who was still technically married to my brother. But they didn't. Sarah and William's past and present was so fucked up, my pursuing her was somehow the sanest thing to happen to her since Violet.

Sarah turns to me and sighs. "Any last words?" she half-jokes.

I stroke her cheek. The corners of my mouth turn up as I take her hand and place a kiss on the back of it. Our hands still interlocked, she pulls my hand toward her lips and does the same. Goosebumps. As I've said, I'll never tire of those lips. Yeah, let's do this.

I get out of the car as Sarah helps Violet out of the backseat. I come around to her side and pull her in for one last kiss before we enter the lion's den. My niece was present, so it wasn't like I was full on making out with her. But it must've been more than enough because strong, bold hands are on me before I can even blink, pushing me off of Sarah so violently that my back slams against my car door.

"What the fuck?!" William roars. He pushes me again, hard against my car, pinning me there. His forearm presses down firmly across my chest, my lungs struggling to gain air. I grab at his arms, but his anger makes any maneuvers away from him exceedingly difficult.

"William!" Sarah shouts.

As soon as William's eyes lock with mine, he narrows them. Not wasting any time, he punches me in the face at close range. And that shit hurt.

"Daddy!" Violet screams, but William doesn't hear her. His sole focus is on me and how much he wants me to absorb his wrath.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh? Fucking kissing my wife like that?!" he shouts.

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