Chapter 19 - Joseph

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"Ha!" Sarah exclaims triumphantly on her side of the air hockey table.

She's moving her hips side to side, giddily, teasing me with her latest score. She looks like a kid in a candy store. I love seeing her this happy. She decided to take a personal day today to clear her mind from the drama at home. Since I'm higher up in the ranks at Gallagher & Banks, they didn't give me any shit about the late notice I gave them for this day off. My assistant, Beau, is covering for me and he's great. I honestly don't know what I would do without him.

Today is Friday, which makes this the beginning of a long weekend, so I wanted to do something nice. Something that would take her mind off of what's been bothering her. But I'm no fool. I also wanted her to remember what it was like when we were young. The things we used to do together. How things used to be when life was carefree and not this incessant shit storm. So, Dave & Busters came to mind. I know she hasn't been to this place in forever. It's fun as shit and it makes you feel like a kid again. Well, like a kid who is old enough to drink.

She sips on a beer and continues kicking my ass at air hockey. It's not that I'm not trying, but maybe I am going just a tad easy on her today. Just so I can witness the glee that glistens in her eyes. I want to stay in that state forever, basking in that feeling that takes over me whenever I hear this girl laugh.

She forces the hockey disc my way and before I can block it, she gets the win. Eyeing her sideways, I watch as she jumps up and down, celebrating my defeat.

"I'm disappointed in you Joe. This was your idea. Did you forget to bring your A game today?" coming around the table, she nudges me playfully with her elbow. She turns her body so she's walking backwards at my side. She looks so cute with that lighthearted grin. A grin I helped put there. I'm in heaven.

We head to the bar to close the tab. Because I wanted her to have the time of her life today, I volunteered to be the designated driver. Any beer I may have had was enjoyed early on, so I'm stone cold sober now. But Sarah. She's delightfully and unapologetically tipsy. I fuckin' love it. The girl deserves to let loose. Especially after dealing with that man I happen to share blood with.

"What time you got?" she asks as the bartender brings back my credit card so I can sign the receipt. I look at my watch.

"Just after 2 pm. You sure you want to do this?" I ask, handing the check back to the bartender.

"I didn't leave my toiletry bag behind by accident for no reason. If he's behaving, then no harm, no foul. I'll grab my toiletry bag and go," she shrugs.

"And if he's not..." I say.

We head toward the exit now, side by side. She ponders that for a bit and then blows raspberries, which elicits a chuckle out of me.

"My kitchen has knives," she shrugs again, continuing her stroll toward the parking lot. But I freeze in place, letting that sink in.

It doesn't bring me joy to think that their marriage could be done within the next few minutes that it takes us to drive back to her house. But the idea that he's cheating on her, right now, as we speak, makes my stomach flip.

This could be it. This could be the definitive end of what my brother should've cherished with every breath he took. I feel oddly high. The thing I've dreamed of, wished for with every fiber of my being could become reality in a matter of miles and minutes. That's all that's standing in the way of a potential future for me and Sarah.

If he does it. If he fucks up today... Christ. My fucking heart is racing.

Minutes later, when we pull up to her driveway, I put my car in park and cut the engine. I look over at her. She stares straight ahead, breathing heavily, looking like she might throw up.

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