Chapter 3: The Sleep Over.

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"KOTETSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" You shouted apon seeing the Basment in such a bad condition. "What did you, Sabito and Makomo do?" You asked while handing a broom do your younger brother. 

There were chip bags and crushed soda cans everywhere. The Playstation controllers had crumbs on them, while the bowling lane had spilled Soda everywhere. 

There was a lot more to clean up. "Ko, you can't just make a big mess like this and expect someone to clean it up for you." You shighed as you went to clean the greasy crumbs off of the controllers.

"We drank too much soda that yesterday, we went crazy!" Kotetsu tried to explain while picking up the junk. It took about three hours to clean everything up.

 "Okay ko, don't go into the basment this weekend. I'll be having a sleep over with my friends here today and I want it to stay tidy. If Sabito is okay with it, you can sleep at his house as well. Got it?" Kotetsu hummed in agreement. You loved your game room.If a single part of it got dirty, you would go crazy! 

It was really big, it had four bowling lanes, a pool table and foosball table in the corner, a wide screen TV at the wall with a PS5 on a shelf with around 10 controllers on another shelf below it, and a small DJ booth with a Theater room next door.

Across from the TV, you had a really big and long white couch. The Basment was also filled with soft gold-ish led lights in the crevices of the ceiling and wall. You could change the color of the lights any way you wanted.

You also had a nice 'bar' in the basment. But you filled up the Mini fridge with Soda's and Sparkiling drinks instead. You also had a wooden closet in the corner of the bar and filled that up with snacks like: Chips, Gummys, Chocolate Bars, Gum and a little more.

 "I'm running low on Soda. Hey Ko, do you want to go to the store to get some groceries with me?" You also wanted to buy a few more things you were planning for the sleep over.


You restocked the Bar in the Basement. Then you headed to your room to fill up the tiny mini fridge in the corner of your room. 

You also bought some new clothes that you put in your big walk-in-closet. You had a really big room, with a queen sized bed (Being the queen that you are obvi) and around five pillows on top. 

You had one wall that was basically a window next to your bed to the left. It had cute white curtains that faded into a cute light pink colour on the bottom.

Your night stand was in the corner of the wall and window. The bed was next to the night stand, while the desk was right across from the bed.

To the other corner of the room next to the desk, you had your mini fridge, the double doors to its right of the fridge was the bathroom, while the doors to the left was the Walk-In-Closet.

You had a pretty basic desk with two white shelf's stacked on top of each other on the wall beside the desk. The bottom one was full of Text books and reading books, that's were you kept the Sakonji card hidden. 

While the top shelf was filled with all of your perfumes. Your night stand had two drawers and a basic desk light. You also had your phone charger and usually a cup of water there as well. Then Finally, on top of your mini fridge you had a Brita Water dispenser filled up with water, ice cubes, lemon, and mint.


You were now restocking everything in your kitchen, you were planning on doing a cooking contest during the sleep over. You also had a fancy kitchen but you didn't have as much counter space as the Twins did in their kitchen.

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