Chapter 5: The Studio.

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Warning: There will be some Violence, in this. There will be another warning before, so you can still read!

You had the best sleep of your life last night, but you definitely wern't expecting to wake up in Muichiro's bed. Right next to Muichiro!? He looked so cute when he was asleep, gosh! How can anyone be that handsome?

You looked at the clock. 'It's fucking 8 AM, no way i'm awake right now.' You slumped back down and cuddled closer to Muichiro, you didn't really care that you were activly cuddeling your sleeping friend in his bed. You wanted to get up, but part of you wanted more.

So, you slept for some more. You didn't want to wake him up, it was queit in Muichiro's room. you could only hear the ticking of the clock, and Ginko's purring. As you were sleeping you noticed something.

'Wait, how the actual fuck is this guy such a deep but calm sleeper?! ' His peacful sleeping face was on top of your head as you snuggled under him, letting his chin lean on your head as you slept on his chest, just like a pillow.


You woke up once more. This time, the time was 12 PM. You scooched yourself a little forward to get out of the bed, but you felt a arm grab you by your wrist and shove you back to where you originally were.

Muichiro hugged you as he wrapped one of his legs on top of yours. You felt your face turn red as your face dug into his chest.

'How is his heart beat at a normal pace? How is he completly fine with this? ' You quickly pushed the thought away and focused on the main 'Issue'. You still had his jacket on for some reason.

"Uh- Good morning to you too?" You said nervously, trying to break the silence. He nodded as he hugged you. "Um, are you okay?" You asked, worried. He just nodded. He wouldn't let you go for some reason. "What happened?" No answer.

So, you just stayed there, playing with his hair. It was only until you heard banging and Kotetsu screaming that you jumped up, Muichiro finally let go of you as he got up as well. You ran down to the living room to find Kotetsu smacking the floor with . . . A frying pan?!

"Kotetsu?! What are you doing?" You had a slight worried but angry tone. Yuichiro came down stairs as well.

 "There is a big roach! (No not Shinobu, don't worry yall) It was in my bag, it took me by surprise so I grabbed the first thing I could find!" He said in between smacks.

 The roach kept running away, Kotetsu kept missing. "And the closest thing you could find was a fliping frying pan?" Yuichiro asked, he was clearly very tired. "Not gonna lie though, that is one big roach!" Muichiro deadpanned. You sighed.

"Hand me the damn frying pan." Kotetsu gave you the pan as you watched the roach crawling around, for some reason it freaked you out. So you did the second best option. 

"Yuichiro, you do it." You said quickly as you handed the pan to him and ran back up stairs. He looked at you with a dramatically shocked face.

"Hey! Don't give it to me!" He pouted. "I don't like bugs either." Yuichiro went over to the bug, motioning for Kotetsu to stand back. He dropped the frying pan flat to the floor, he got the bug. Muichiro was just standing there, thinking.

'Really? A bug is what disturbed our sleep? God Damn it.' Muichiro headed back upstairs. He found you making the bed. You had clearly done your hair, it wasn't braided when you woke up. "You dress really quickly." Were the only words that came out of his mouth.

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