Chapter 9: Rengoku . . . Hired??? (Oh God.)

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A/N: There will be some 'coupley' things in here. BUT NOT SMUT. GET UR HEAD OUTTA THE GUTTER!!! Please cut me some slack, this is my first time writing 'romance' or anything in general. so, ya. It might be worth it. Author~Chan out!

~Muichiro Tokito POV~

I had a blast. Sure Yuichiro kinda seemed like a third wheel at this point, but I don't really give a damn. He can burn his brownies again for all I care, as long as y/n's with me. She's the only one I think about. All my attention goes to her.

I woke up in the living room to find Y/n comfortably snuggled up to my chest and hey! I'm not complaining. Who wouldn't want an unbelievably cute girl that you've been crushing on for God knows how long just sleeping on your chest.

I'll tell you, I definitely don't mind. Her really cute and silky h/c hair that covers part of her face. The way how she smiles in her sleep every now and then, the fact that she sleeps so cutely! Not to mention how relaxed and calm she looks whenever she sleeps on me. Like, just on me. She sleeps in a completely different way when she's cuddling me.

She must really like cuddling because this has been around the fourth time this has happened. Hell, I might just start to read that book about romance and fluff that's under Yuichiro's bed!

I tuck some of her hair behind her ear and snuggle her closer to me, I want to sleep but I can't. I don't know exactly why but  I feel like something's off with her recently. It doesn't help that Kotetsu got kidnapped a few days ago, or the fact that she just learned from her mother that she can pass out easily, its no wonder she passed out twice already.

I feel bad for her, she works hard everyday just to keep her family safe. I bet she couldn't even stand the thought of losing her brother. I'll kill him. I'm gonna kill Jake if it's the last thing I do. Him and anyone who hurts her.

She sifted her position slightly and she looked uncomfortable, so I rested her head on my lap. If I can't sleep, then it'd be better not to wake her up. Who knows how long she stays up every night.

I go on my phone and scroll through KNY Gram. I go across a post that Yuichiro posted last night. Is that really the position we were in?! I definitely wasn't expecting Yuichiro to post that.

"Like it?" Yuichiro asked as he goes in the kitchen.

"good morning to you too. It's fine, I guess." If you were to get any sort of romantic feelings for anyone, the last person you want to go to is Yuichiro. He starts getting all pink and tries to play match maker, even though it always ends up with heart breaker. 

There's a reason why Nezuko doesn't like Zenitsu anymore. Yuichiro posted a text saying how much Zenitsu loves her to the point that he sleeps with the thought of her, and that he keeps pictures of her under his bed. He called that post 'undying love'. Nezuko thought it was borderline creepy. And honestly, she kinda has a point.

Zenitsu couldn't forgive Yuichiro for that. Nezuko told him that she'd tolerate being around him more if he forgave Yuichiro. This was three months after that incident. Before, Nezuko would avoided him like the plague.

It's too bad he knows I liked her since Eighth Grade. He's gotten better at keeping his mouth shut, but I still feel embarrassed after that one time he told her I had a bunch of magazines of her. Yeah, not fun.

I suddenly get a text from a good old friend of mine, Ben. He's on the same basketball team as mine and also goes to the same school.


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