Chapter 7: The chase.

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I woke up to find myself tied to a chair. I can't exactly recall what happened, but I know I'm in a different room right now. It kind of looks like an abandoned shed, it's dark, and I can't see shit. The only light in the room right now is coming from some windows high above, can't climb up to those, that's for sure.

"Well, looks like the princess finally got her beauty sleep." One of the masked figures was sitting on a low fence, staring into my soul. I scowled at him, remembering the events. I start scanning the area, looking for Muichiro or Kotetsu.

"Relax. No one's here. Your lover boy's fighting one of my partners." He jumped off the fence walking to me.

"Where's my brother." He chuckled. It made me want to kick him in the nuts.

"He's . . . Somewhere. Oh, I didn't kill him or anything. I'm just using him as bait."

"Bait? What for?"

"For you to come and follow me, so I can trap you here and get my favour."

I sighed. "What the fuck do you want from me?"

He leaned in and grabbed my chin hardly with his cold and dark hand, forcing me to face him."I want my date, y/n. You didn't let it happen before, but now. It's not up to you. Choose, you go on a date with me and your brother stays alive. Or, you never see him or your friend over there again."

I didn't know what to do. I don't want to go on a date with some random ass stalker. But I also didn't want to lose Kotetsu, or Muichiro. I can't just think about myself all the time." Fine, I'll -"

Just then, I hear a really loud thud. The door was smashed open. "YOU AREN'T DOING SHIT TO Y/N, OR HER BROTHER!" Yelled Muichiro as he walked in dramatically, dragging an unconscious masked figure.

I could feel how scared my stalker was. If looks could kill, he would've died in an instant. It freaked me out. The stalker was about to run away, but Mucihiro elbowed him to the floor. As the two begun to fight, I tried to untie myself.

I was able to get me feet free. It was easy, I just lifted my feet up with some force and they slipped right out of the rope's grasp.

That helped me stand up and pull my arms from the backrest of the chair. I was now free from the chair, but I had to untie my wrists, which were behind my back. I jumped and swung my arms from my back, to their original position.

Then, I untied a portion of the rope and ripped through the rest of it. I grabbed the chair and ran towards the stalker. Smacking his head with the chair as hard as I could. He fell to the floor, passed out as Muichiro looked at me in shock to how I untied myself.

"Karma, asshole." I say as I throw the chair on the unconscious figure. Muichiro gave me a hug, I hug him back and let him rest his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I should've payed more attention." He whispered.

"It's alright, but right now . . . We need to deal with these two, and find Kotetsu." I grab the stalker and remove his face mask, revealing this actually pretty cute blond.

I've never met him before, but he didn't look that bad, considering that I thought he looked like trash. Same thing with the other one. Both I have never met before. "Muichiro, do you know who these are?" He shook his head.

"I've seen them before but i've never met them."

"Well, enough of that. We need to find Ko." I quickly tied the stalker to the other figure and tied them to a pole. (I feel like i'm writing an adventure movie script or something lol)

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