Chapter 4: Unwanted Memories.

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Note: There might be some 'aggressive' things in here like blood and gore.  So just skip the flash backs and read the summary.But there is NO SMUT. Get your head outta that damn gutter would you? Also, make sure you don't think about stuff like Yuichiro & Y/N. Everyone loves you, and if they don't, then screw them that's why you have ME! I even like Giyu so I'm sure I'll like you too.

                                                                  . . . 

You slept comfortably as the TV was lightly playing. You slightly started to wake up as you casually watched someone get murdered on the TV. The movie hasn't finished yet, meaning you slept for around two hours, everyone was asleep as well.

Yuichiro layed down on his back. Kanao slept peacefully as Aoi's head relaxed on Kanao's stomach. Inosuke's head was on foot rest of the recliner as his feet dangled from the backrest. zenitsu was crushed flat on the floor as Tanjiro slept on top of him. 

The first thing you saw when you turned your head was a cute fatigued figure of Muichiro, the side of your face was buried into his chest. You were to tired to completely understand what was going on, you cuddled closer to Muichiro as you fell asleep again.


You had a dream that you were in this infinite room with pillars and walls everywhere. you stared in shock as Muichiro was stabbed into a pillar. He wore this black uniform of some sort. His wrist had a slit in it and it was bleeding a lot, but he was still able to move his fingers.

 You saw a weird guy with six eyes ?!! Didn't Yuichiro say that was his anscestror? I didn't notice that I had a sword in my hand until I tried to lift my hand wielding it. 'I can't even use chopsticks right and i'm wielding a sword!?? What's going on!? '

You felt this immense pain in you stomach, you looked down to see that you've been stabbed, and had a big slit on your upper arm, but you didn't care about that. You wanted to reach to Muichiro and tend to his wounds, however before you could even stand, you blacked out. The last thing you heard was Muichiro crying out your name.



"Y/n?" Someone whisper-yelled in your ear.

 Your eyes slowly opened as Muichiro patted your head, worry washed over his face. Once he saw your eyes open, he smiled warmly at you.

'Wait, why is he smiling at me? Wern't we just somewhere else? Damn it! Everytime he does something like that, my stomach clenches.' 

You felt your cheeks heat up more once he hugged you closer to him. He whispered something into your ear.

"You slept on me last night, I had a good sleep, but you were sweating a lot, what happend?"He released you and cocked his head to the side, waiting for an answer. 

"Nothing, just had a slight nightmare, that's all." His eyes fixed on yours, he held out a hand to gentally grab you cheek and rub his thumb across it. "What was it about? Did you dream about me?" You could see the slight smirk creeping up his face.

You blushed at his touch. Shoving him away with a hand and looking away, you seemed to be angry. "What?! NO! I probably just seem creeped out from the movie we watched last night." You came up with random excuses to avoid him.

"Oh? Alright." He smirked and shrugged. You were about to get up before he grabbed you and pulled you into a bear hug. Your head smashed against his chest again, you tried to escape his grasp but failed. 

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