Chapter 6: The Game.

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You felt nervous and scared when you walked through the school gates. You knew something was gonna happen, but you weren't sure what. "Y/N!" Yelled Nezuko. Everyone was waiting for you, Nezuko ran up to you and hugged you, careful not to hurt your neck. 

It wasn't as bad as yesterday, but it was still bad. You hugged her back. "Oh y/n, your neck! Muichiro told us everything. I'm so sorry." She walked with you back to the group, giving you your favorite coffee.

"It's alright! Don't worry about it. I was a bit of a chicken not to fight back, so I got hurt." As soon as you reached your friends, they washed over you with questions.

"Guys! Give her some space! Hasn't she been through enough?" Nezuko shouted.

"Nezuko's right, I'm sorry Y/n. But may you tell us what happened? From your side, so we know how to deal with Valdez." Tanjiro placed a hand on your shoulder.

"So, we had to do a photo shoot together, it turns out. His mother is my manager! We were doing a magazine cover for a perfume and he kept touching my back and neck . . .

So when we finished with the photo shoot, I quickly got up to leave then he grabbed my wrist. I was afraid of attacking him because I didn't want to get fired or lose my job." As you continued, they listened.

Then the conversation started to drift after a while." And my makeup artist, Mitsuri Kanroji has been dating Mr Iguro for like three years now!" As the rest of you walked up to the school doors, you felt a hand on your back.

You looked over to find Muichiro smiling at you, as if to say: You handled this well, good job. You smiled back. "Do you guys wanna meet up at the cafe after school today?" Yuichiro recommended. You all agreed as you went to your lockers.

As usual, a note fell out. But it wasn't a love letter, it was a threat. You read it carefully. "Uh, Muichiro?" You asked. He hummed in response as he walked up to your side, placing his hand on your shoulder.

You showed him the note, he read it.

 . . .

You made a huge mistake, better make your precious Tokito run while he still can. Other wise, you might never see him again. 

Same goes for your brother, Kotetsu L/n. Right? Well, I may or may have not found where your brother is. I'd be ready if I were you Y/n.

For you have started an all out War. I will not rest until I demolish everything that's precious to you, even if that includes your family.

 . . .

He patted your head. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's just a death threat, but we'll keep our gaurd up anyway." You sighed as you nodded. You showed the letter to the rest, making sure they knew what was going on.

"The second we see him, he's done." Zenitsu said.

"Yeah! I'll beat both French fry AND Jacky up at the same time!" Inosuke said. Zenitsu huffed as he turned away.

The bell rung and you headed to your classes. It was Monday, meaning you had Music class with Mr Kyogai. "Y/n, are you sure you want to do school?" Muichiro asked, walking with you through the halls.

"What do you mean? I don't think i'd have a choice!" You replied.

"I mean, we could always skip."

"And where would we go?"

"Let me show you." He teasingly told you as he grabbed your non-injured wrist and dragged you through the Fimiliar hallways. Until he lead you to one you didn't quite know.

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