34 ¶¶ AWAY I

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This way, Miss." The blonde receptionist led me towards a hallway.

I followed her, the rhythmic clack of my heels echoing off the polished marble floor. The opulence of the building was overwhelming; each detail, from the ornate crown molding to the pristine flower arrangements, bespoke wealth and power. The Montague family had clearly spared no expense in maintaining their corporate headquarters, a testament to their thirty-year legacy of success and influence.

We came to a stop in front of a single wooden door, solid and imposing. The receptionist knocked softly and opened it.

"She's here, sir."

From within, a deep, authoritative voice responded, "Let her in."

The receptionist gestured for me to enter, then quietly closed the door behind me. I found myself in an expansive office, dominated by a massive oak desk and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline.

Behind the desk, Mr. Montague leaned back lazily in his leather chair, a relaxed smile playing on his lips."Miss Brown, it's nice to see you again," he said smoothly.

I returned his smile, though it felt forced. "Likewise."

"Please, have a seat."

I walked over and sat in one of the plush chairs facing him directly. Despite the luxury, the atmosphere felt stifling, and I struggled to maintain my composure.

"Would you like anything to drink? Water, coffee, a latte?" His tone was polite, almost congenial, but I wasn't fooled.

"No, thank you, sir." I managed to keep my voice steady, though my nerves were frayed. Being alone with Mr. Montague was unnerving; there was an air of menace about him that set me on edge. I prayed silently that this meeting would be over quickly.

"I'd like to know why I'm here, that's all," I said, hoping to cut to the chase.

"Straight to business, I see." He leaned forward, interlacing his fingers as he regarded me with a predatory grin. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and something darker.

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding. Despite my fear, I refused to show weakness. I needed to project confidence, even if it was just a façade.

He reached for a folder on his desk and slid it across to me. I hesitated, glancing from the folder to his expectant gaze, then opened it. My blood ran cold as I took in the contents: photographs of Jayden and Jordan together, snapshots of the three of us, and most damning of all, a picture of Jayden and me kissing last night.

My mind raced. How had he gotten these? The one time I let my guard down...

"What is this?" I asked, setting the folder back down with a steadiness I didn't feel.

"You tell me, Ashley." He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the desk, his fingers steepled beneath his chin.

"This is clearly stalking, which is illegal," I retorted, my voice stronger than I expected.

"Who would've thought that you have Jayden Park's child in your custody?" His words were a dagger, each one designed to wound.

"I still don't know why I'm here, Mr. Montague." I kept my voice cool and controlled. If he thought he could intimidate me, he was mistaken. I might be shaken, but I wasn't going to squirm just because he wanted me to.

"You're a smart lady, Miss Brown." He smirked, a condescending curl of his lips. "Use your head."

I didn't respond. His predatory gaze made my skin crawl, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me squirm.

He sighed, standing up and walking around his desk. "Jayden Park, the recent CEO of Park Industries, has a baby mama the media isn't aware of. The kind of headlines that would feed the gossip blogs for weeks, even months." He strolled past my seat, his hands clasped behind his back. "And just imagine how this is going to affect your child. The stares, the whispers. Children can be cruel..."

"What do you want?" I ground out, my patience wearing thin.

Mr. Montague stopped and turned to face me, his eyes gleaming with malicious glee.

"It's simple, really. I want your cooperation. Jayden Park has been a ...thorn in my side for years. Park industries threatens mine at every turn."

"But you're business partners..." I chimed in.

He shrugged. "If you can't beat them join them." There was a glint in his eyes. "But with the information I have now, there's no need for pretence anymore."


"Yes. Jayden has al few things he's hiding, besides you and the kid. And that's where you come in."

He strolled closer. "All you have to do is exaggerate the issue a bit and you'll leave with your dignity and a good compensation."

"What if I don't want too?"

I saw his jaw tic. "Then be prepared to have your face on every gossip site."

"There's no such thing as bad publicity right?" I feigned a relaxed smile.

If he was surprised by my response he didn't show it. "Well if you have nothing else to say, I'll be on my way now." I got up and strided towards the door.

I heard his voice when I reached for the door knob. "I'm giving you twenty four hours to think about this. You can get my contact from the receptionist and we can discuss the details."

I ignored him and walked out of the office, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and fear.The elevator ride down felt like an eternity. Each floor we passed seemed to symbolize another layer of my life being peeled away. By the time I reached the lobby, I felt exposed, vulnerable. I took a deep breath, steeling myself. I couldn't afford to fall apart now.

Whatever Montague was talking about only one person could give me a good explanation about it.

Outside, the city buzzed with life, oblivious to the turmoil within me. I unlocked my car and got in hastily. As the car sped through the bustling streets, I tried to calm my racing thoughts.

Jayden had to know what was happening, but I had to be careful. Montague would be watching.

How did everything get this messed up? I was trying to make out what kind of relationship I had with Jayden and now this happened.

Talk about bad timing.

I arrived at Jayden's house almost forty minutes later, giving a short wave to Jin and not responding when he asked why I seemed tense.

I walked in not bothering to knock. I found him sitting on the couch working on his MacBook.

When he noticed me enter, his expression shifted from surprise to concern as he saw my face. "What's wrong?"

"We need to talk."

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