08 - Bedroom

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"These will be your shared chambers, my lady," a servant informed Eliana as they guided her through the rooms.

"If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to ask. We are always nearby," the servant continued, offering their support.

Eliana nodded in acknowledgment. "Please, leave me," she requested, and the servants promptly exited the room.

Taking a moment to settle, Eliana made her way to the bed, its surface adorned with a soft silk blanket that offered a comforting touch. Deciding it was time to retire for the night, she began to undress.

Removing her jewelry first, followed by her dress, she exchanged it for a silk gown that fell gracefully past her hips but above her knees, providing both comfort and modesty.

Slipping into bed, Eliana instinctively favored the right side, a childhood habit that brought her a sense of familiarity and solace. Drawing the covers around her, she turned to face the windows, where the pale moonlight cast a gentle glow, illuminating the surroundings with softness.

Through the glass, she caught sight of the distant Pilingitam forest, a place where she had shared a memorable walk with Feyd. The recollection brought a tender smile to her lips as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.

As she hovered on the brink of slumber, the creak of the door opening and closing reached her ears. Footsteps followed, accompanied by a soft grunt, signaling the arrival of Feyd. Despite recognizing his presence, Eliana chose to feign sleep, remaining perfectly still.

Moving across the room, Feyd approached the windows, his silhouette outlined against the moonlit backdrop. With measured movements, he unbuttoned his shirt, his demeanor tinged with a hint of irritation, likely stemming from his recent conversation with the Baron.

He made his way to the closet, his footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit room. Sorting through the garments, he chose his night attire with careful consideration, each movement deliberate and precise. As he dressed, his thoughts lingered on the weighty discussions with the Baron, his demeanor reflecting a hint of lingering tension.

Once prepared for bed, he approached the sleeping figure on the bed, her form bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight filtering through the windows. With a sense of reverence, he leaned over her, his touch feather-light as he brushed a kiss against her forehead, his fingers tracing a path of warmth along her arm.

"Sweet dreams," he whispered, the words carrying a soft sincerity as he settled onto his side of the bed. His gaze lingered on her serene face, a flicker of emotion dancing in his eyes before he closed them, allowing sleep to claim him.

Meanwhile, Eliana remained still, her heart racing with a mixture of emotions stirred by Feyd's tender gesture. Though she feigned sleep, her mind buzzed with thoughts and sensations, grappling with the complexity of her feelings in the quiet of the night.

–The next day...–

As Eliana stirred awake, the warm embrace of morning sunlight bathed the room. With a soft sigh, she gently rubbed her eyes, the remnants of sleep slowly fading away. It was then that she became aware of the sensation of something draped around her form.

Her breath caught as she felt Feyd's hands resting gently on her waist, his body nestled against her back, his breath warm against the nape of her neck. Despite herself, her heart quickened at the intimate closeness between them, her thoughts momentarily consumed by the weight of the moment.

Before she could dwell further, his voice, deep yet tender, interrupted her reverie. "Morning," he murmured, the sound sending a shiver down her spine, its allure impossible to ignore.

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