Chapter Seven: Wapol

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Life aboard the Going Merry became both gloomy and tense.

Nami was still sick, her condition not doing any better. Her temperature kept increasing at an alarming pace and she was sweating buckets. She could barely eat too.

Vivi changed the cloths on her forehead and (Y/n) kept making herbal teas. They were slightly effective, allowing the girl moments of respite from her sudden illness and being able to nibble on some food.

"What could possibly make you this sick,Nami?" ( Y/n) asked as she combed through the navigator's hair with her hands with her brows creased and a look of worry that seemed to permanently on her face.
She made sure that Nami was covered in warm blankets to keep her from shivering and that every opening in the room that let in any cold air was sealed.

Nami let out a cough before giving the younger girl a smirk, "I thought you said-cough- that you didn't care when something didn't involved you?" Nami thought she caught the girl off guard with that question.

For as long as she knew (Y/n) they weren't really close but were really close at the same time. They used to play card games together when they first met. Not much talk besides what they liked and relatable stuff.

When Nami had left to go back to Cocoyashi , she didn't expect the girl to come running back alongside Luffy and the others. In fact she didn't expect her to cry when she had told her about what the Arlong Pirates had done to the people and to her and Nojiko.

They weren't tears of pity nor sympathy.

It was as though she had felt the pain Nami was in for those years. Nami didn't know how. It was new seeing someone who seemed to act as if they didn't care much about everything, care so deeply.

After they had defeated the Arlong Pirates, (Y/n) seemed to have opened herself up more. Yes she was a bit guarded but there were small unnoticeable cracks in that armour. Ones that, if you look closely enough, could start to appreciate.

The (h/c) coloured woman scoffed at what Nami said. "You're my friend. Ofcourse I care." She gave Vivi a nod before heading out to get some fresh air.

"I'll be right back."

She stood up and left the room. (Y/n) could feel her body wanting to shut down, sleepless nights were catching up and the sound of crashing waves did nothing to calm her.

'Nami's sick. She'll be alright though. She's tough.'

The young woman couldn't help but worry. If Nami didn't get any better she'd be losing her friend. They all would be losing a brilliant navigator. Vivi wouldn't be able to get to Alabasta.

Though her navigational skills weren't that bad, she wouldn't know how to operate during serious storms and oceanic phenomena in the Grandline.Her eyes stayed on the blurred reflection of herself she could see in the water. Was she really of use to this crew?

Unbeknownst to her, her (e/c) eyes had gone to a stormy grey. Clouds were starting to form around the ship and the current was getting slightly troublesome.

"You alright?" Ussop placed his hand on her shoulder. One glimpse at her eyes and he shook her out of her daze.
The clouds slowly vanished, the waves had calmed.

"Whoa! Ussop did you see that?!" Luffy could be heard yelling in awe a bit behind them.

Ussop looked at (Y/n)'s eyes. They had gone back to normal and she looked at him confused.


'Its nothing, just checking on you." A kind smile was on his face once again. "You should stop worrying so much."

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