Du du dun- dun du-du dun-dun
Nananaaa, nananaaaaa, nananaaaaa"Y/n, baby, can you shut up." Nami whispered as she, Zoro and Y/n stuck to surrounding buildings to keep themselves from getting attention.
"What even was that." Zoro looked behind him as the he followed Nami.
Y/n sweatdropped, "I was trying to get into the mood."
Nami gestured for everyone to duck behind a wall, soldier pushing more cannons to where the battle was still ongoing were passing through,"Mood for what?"
"This feels like a spy operation."
"And?" Nami continued to walk, grabbing Zoro as he was about to turn down a different alleyway.
"Gotta have a theme song. Background music. The works."
They crossed the street, finding themselves in the town square, where they would have to split up since they were currently being hunted down.
"Okay. Knock yourself out agent 006" Zoro said, choosing a path with his eyes. He could sense someone watching them not too far away. Someone strong."We should split up."
Y/n gave him a look, "why not 007?"
" Cause I'm gonna be 007. I'm better at it than you."
Nami scrunched her nose," Guys this is not the time for this. Splitting up may be a good idea but what if one of us gets hurt and no one can help?" Her gaze fell on Zoro as his hands moved towards his swords, ready to fight someone."Besides, I'm a better 007 than the both of you combined."
"Oh please, you're no James Bond or Ethan Hunt." Y/n said with an offended scoff, crossing her arms and trying to listen for anything out of the ordinary.
"We're neither cause we're supposed to he Vivi, remember?" said Zoro, putting them back on the main mission.
"PRINCESS VIVI?" A man's voice had broke them out of their conversation, looking closely at the cloaked trio in recognition for the ducks that were following silently behind us. He had been wearing Baroque Works company logo his clothes.
Zoro, having forgotten his own role himself let out a confused grunt," I'm not V-" Nami and Y/n had kicked him. Zoro immediately tried to feminize his voice," Oh, uh, Yes. Princess Vivi is I. - Y/n gave him a look- I AM PRINCESS VIVI."
The three nodded to each other, running separate directions.
Y/n looked around as she ran, scanning her surroundings.
The city had been cleared in preparation for the oncoming war. Streets were desolate with no sign of even a single person lingering at a street corner."It can't be that empty..." Y/n said to herself, looking around as she stopped to catch her breath.
A tumbleweed blew past.
"Scratch that it is."
The sound of something calling to her caught her attention, a calm hum numbing her mind and body. It continued to flow throughout her body, making her feel a warmth that she had craved for so many years. One she didn't even know she wanted.
come to me
Her feet moved on their own, forging an unknown path as she followed the hum.
'Whats happening?' she tried to fight off the control that she had lost,'Come on. MOVE!'
Passing another street she could hear fighting. A familiar groan. On the floor was Nami, hiding from someone.
"Y/n?" The orange-haired girl looked at her with slight relief," I need yo-

Daughter Of The Sea || One Piece
FanficYou are invited to read the tales of the woman who would soon rule the hearts of many and the seas alongside the Strawhat Pirates. One Piece x black reader Majority of the characters don't belong to me . Credits go to Eiichiro Oda for creating the m...