☁️argument- angst

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This is angst but with a good ending bc I can't handle bad endings. I will seriously cry and hate myself even more.

Anywayss hope you enjoy 😉

(Update: all of my story progress was deleted except for the introduction so the rest is kinda messy because I'm quite annoyed that it got erased but yeah)

Side ship:
-sigzai (it's only subtle and not much but i will warn you when it starts)

(The angst get a lot later in the story as I wanted it to be built up before something truly happened btw)

⚠️ my au and possibly ooc interaction and actions⚠️


Whenever the couple fought, everyone knew. It was always a messy fight mo matter what it was about as both men's egos wouldn't budge, not allowing them to talk it out nor apologise.

And that caused the partner of chuuya to have an earful of everything.

Whether it was a disagreement or misreading of a situation, it continued for weeks and the most months.


Sure dazai and chuuya bickered all the time but there were times they met up every few weeks to chat about their life so then their past bond could regrow anew.


No ones pov:

(This is a few days after the fight)

"And then he was yelling all sort of rude crap!" The ginger drunkly yelled to the brunette, causing multiple looks to which the two barely caught guard of.

The other replied with a dramatic gasp "Oh my gosh! That's so rude!" He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned against chuuya

"I know right!" Chuuya said and rested his head against the brunettes



There sat on the couch of his living room, fyodor sat and stared at a wall, seeming to find a bit more peace in his mind from the earlier occurrence.

He sat there as thoughts rushed through his mind, swarming around before he grew conscious enough to hear a buzz on his phone

He turned his gaze to it and eyed it suspiciously before reaching his hand out and taking ahold of it, forgetting to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" He said simply as he waited for an answer, hearing breathing on the other side along with chattering and laughing.

"This is 'fyodor', right?" The man behind the phone whispered as the sound distanced

"Why would you need to know who I am, may I ask" he scoffed, irritated already by only a few subtle words.

"..so you see, I have two customers and one of them goes by the name 'chuuya'? Are you aquatinted with him?"

That mere sentence caused silence between the call as fyodors stomach sunk deeply by the mention of his boyfriend.


"..I am. What of it?" He replied after a few seconds, ignoring the questionable sigh on the other end

"He and his friend have caused quite a ruckus and stayed past the time available" the man said as he sighed when the noise aroused.

"I'll be there in a few minutes but do tell me who the 'friend' you speak of is?" Fyodor asked as he rose from the couch and grabbed his keys

"..uhm from the conversation, he was called 'mackeral' by chuuya?.." the other said hesitantly as if he was questioning what he was saying.

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