The U

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"You know, these dorms are way more comfortable than my room at home." André comments as he pushes himself down on the mattress.

The omega duo has managed to find their way to the dorms. A spacious shared room complete with its own twin desks and private shower. A room decorated with the bare necessities needed for life. The two managed to snag a bedroom together, much to their shared delight. The only shared room they have is the kitchen and sitting area, which they have to share with their other two dormmates.

"Do you think these guys at admin may be crazy enough to room us with a couple of Alpha's?" André joked.

André takes a steady step and pokes at his daydreaming friend. Jaxon turned and scowled at the obnoxious boy. Despite the question sounding ridiculous, as on par with some of André's questions, it did spark some thinking within the young man. If it was out of general interest in the question or as a scapegoat to escape his perplexing thoughts of the older blonde male form earlier, Jaxon would be the only one to know.

"If this place is looking for a lawsuit, I would say it's highly unlikely." Jaxon explained.

He smacked the opposing foot away from his face and moved towards the door.

"No time like the present." He mused. Before the door handle could touch Jaxon's skin, it flew open. Jaxon blinks maybe once; it could be twice, and he still cannot believe the scene in front of him.

The male who opened the door was about a few centimetres taller than him. His other long arm was pulling him back roughly, and his shaggy mop of curls moved on top of his head. The rough pulling by a much smaller male appeared to bother him not at all. The smaller boy looked like he was trying really hard to move the person. His cheeks were slightly red from his futile efforts, and he has been sent to fall back in anguish at his failure.

"Can I help you?" Jaxon questioned.

The taller boy cracked a pleasant smile, not at all bothered by his arm being clawed. "In fact, you can. My friend here-"

"Don't you dare, Charlez!" The shorter man pleaded.

The man, Charlez, ignored him. "I wanted to know if male omegas have dicks or not."

Jaxon looked at Charlez and then at the now-crying male on the floor. His mother's words ring in his mind like a cautionary tale.

"Don't go cussing out those rich people."

Taking a deep breath, he sighs. He wordlessly moved to push the door closed.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Charlez urged. His hand was placed on the door frame. "C'mon, I was just joking. Trying to mess with Mr. Crybaby here." He gestured over to the sniffling boy.

Jaxon gave him a level look. "Move your hand."

Charlez smiled. "You are not going to slam the door on my hand. We just met."

The door hinges squeaked with the force. A sharp scream filled the dorm room. Jaxon quickly opened the door fully to see Charlez jumping up and down with his hand flailing in the air.

"Shit...Are you crazy? Why didn't you move your hand?" Jaxon questioned.

"I'm crazy? You slammed the door." Charlez replied with a squeak in his voice.

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