The Library

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"He's here again." Izzy sang

The library wasn't a horrible place to work. It was leaps and bounds better than working under Madam Ditsy. There was internal heating, comfortable working chairs and peace and quiet to work on his assignments. Izzy wasn't bad company as he first thought it would be. A little talkative, but pleasant to be around.

Izzy rolled her office chair across to Jaxon's station. Resting an arm on his shoulder, she pointed over to the blonde boy sitting at his usual desk. The pink of his tongue peaking through his lips as the tip of his stylus moved away on his tablet's screen. Jaxon scoffed and looked away at the sight.

"C'mon... you can't ignore a scent bond forever. You know it and he knows it." Izzy clasped her fingers together. "Its like a spiritual connection!" She laughed.

"Sounds lovely, but not for me." Jaxon replied, turning his attention down to the book he was reading. "I have more than enough on my plate. I came to this school for an education, not for a romance novel."

Izzy giggled, which earned her some odd stares from neighbouring students. "You may say that, but destiny begs differently!"

"You and this destiny." He mused.

Despite his overall rejection of this scent bond, Jaxon's eyes couldn't help but travel up to the blonde alpha. Head bowed and eyes locked onto his tablet. His bushy brows furrowed, and the tip of his tongue peeked from his pink lips.

Jaxon sighed and rose from his seat. Izzy moved to open her mouth but was met with a halting hand.

"Don't say it." Jaxon spoke and slipped from behind the librarian table. Ten steps later, he was towering over the seated alpha.

Elliott didn't seem to notice his presence. That was until he tried to steal a glance, only to be confused to where the omega vanished.

"When did he..." Elliott's nose flared. His eyes snapped up.

"What have you been so focused on?" Jaxon questioned.

Elliott scrambled desperately to put his tablet away. He immediately strained himself up to look at the taller omega. "Hey! How are you?"

"How am I?" Jaxon tested.

"Yeah. How are you? Jaxon right?" Elliott smiled.

Jaxon blinked at the older man. Wasn't he just sputtering around? Now he is trying to act like Mr. Smooth.

"Yeah...Are you okay?"

Elliott grinned. "Why wouldn't I?"

Jaxon pursed his lips and said, "For one thing, you are reading Pride and Prejudice."

Elliott's cheeks visibly darkened while his bushy eyebrows furrowed. "I'll let you know this is for a project! A writing assignment. I wouldn't be reading this kind of book. It's obviously the only reason why."

Jaxon held up a hand. "I could give a rats ass why you are reading that book." Jaxon placed a hand on the firm wood desk. The alpha visibly stiffens at the abrupt thud. even more so as the omega levelled him a look. "I was just asking. You had the same book for three weeks. The assignment is that hard." Jaxon added.

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