The Ditsy

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"When they offered this scholarship, I swear they should have included textbooks in it." André groans.

André and Jaxon don't come from money unlike the majority of the students at Pemberton. They know it, the other students know it, and the faculty know it—not like the latter cared anyway. If they did have any sort of care for the minute minority of underprivileged students who attend this expensive, frozen historic school, they would at the very least have some programme for it. Used book drives, discounts, or just something. But it seems like that would come off as too tacky for this prestigious institute. That left broke boys like Jaxon and André struggling to figure out how to get these textbooks.

André propped his feet up on the sofa as he laid on it. Jaxon pushed his feet down and made space for himself.

"I can agree with you on that." Jaxon said. He scrolled on his phone with increasing frustration. No matter where he looked, the prices kept growing and growing until, at one point, he thought he was looking in the wrong currency. "This economics book costs more than my phone!"

"I don't know. Your phone is ass." André remarked, which earned him a pinch on his big toe.

"What are you two moaning about?" Charlez asked as he made his way to the cupboard. Rummaging through the contents, he pulled out a cookie jar. However, cookies were the last thing to be in the jar. With a pleased smile, he shook the small bag of weed—not the kind you would find outside.

Charlez is a stoner.

It didn't surprise the two; scratch that, it didn't surprise André that Charlez was a stoner. André noticed that fact real quick once he saw the amount of snacks the beta kept under his bed. André's exact words were, 'This boy is on the bush!'. Jaxon of course denied André's accusation, but André was quick to remind him about how every male in his family was on it, and he knew the signs. Nevertheless, after Jaxon saw Charlez try to sneak a hit at one in the morning, Charlez came clean. Though he made them promise not to tell Hassan about it,.

"He keeps grumbling and moaning about my health, and what if I get caught and blah blah stick up his ass?" Charlez had so eloquently put it.

"Think you could lend us about 600 pounds?" André asked.

Charlez thumbed open the small, clear sack in his hands. "You know I wouldn't mind. But I spent most of my allowance for the month already," he replied.

"I can tell." Jaxon responded and eyed the bag.

Charlez just gave him a cheeky smile. "Makes me happy."

"Too happy."

Charlez leaned against the counter as he began to roll his first blunt of the afternoon. "If you two are looking for work, I saw that the canteen in the rec room was hiring," he mused.

"The canteen? Where they serve that dry ass chick?" A firm shove to the shoulder silenced André.

"What's the pay like?" Jaxon questioned.

Charlez turned and leaned against the neighbouring wall. His lips are sealing the paper as he thinks. "Not sure as of now, but a buddy of mine worked their last year; I think it was like twenty-five pounds an hour."

André fell to the ground. He was sitting down on a sofa, but now he's on the ground. That's the force of disbelief that racked through his body.

"Damn..." Jaxon voiced. "That's good money."

Charlez shrugs. "They pay so much because they want students to work that and many other jobs on campus. It builds character, I think." Charlez brings the blunt to his lips and his lighter. "Or was it integrity."

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