The Attraction

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"Something is up with you," André told Jaxon as he cornered him in the bathroom.

The omega in question didn't spare a glance André's way. Rubbing his hands together, he ran the gel-soaked fingers through his freshly washed hair.

"Dré, I don't have the time for this. We are going to be late for class." Jaxon responded. He doesn't flinch when the bathroom door is closed. Pressing his body closer to the porcelain, his eyes squinted.

"Can you stop focusing on your hair and listen to me?" André groaned.

Jaxon glanced towards him. "You still here?"

André sometimes wanted to strangle this man. If he wasn't his friend. He pushed himself between Jaxon and his own reflection. Hand pressed firmly to his broad chest. Before his hand could linger on his firm and defined chest, he remembered that he was supposed to be interrogating him.

"All week, you've been out of it. Outside of class, I don't see a hair on your gelled head. Sorry if I'm concerned." André said.

Jaxon looked away. André knew that look. Hands fighting to stay still to his sides down to the bending of his lower lip. The smaller male's hand falls to his side. He relaxed his shoulders as he kept his eyes on his friend.

"If something is up, just tell me. It's not like I'm going to get mad."

Jaxon scoffed. "You not get mad? So what was that yesterday when Hassan took your last pack of SuperTwos?"

André bristled. "He knows better, that's why. I don't go around drinking all of his Ovaltine!"

"You hate Ovaltine."

André rolled his eyes. "That's besides the point. My best man here is hiding stuff from me."

Jaxon quirks an eyebrow. "Alright cool. That means you are finally telling me about you and that huge Chinese man."

André stilled for a moment before cracking a tentative smile. "How do you know about that?"

"I have seen you and he walk out of the school together more than once." Jaxon pushed.

"He's my boss. Kind of. "

"I didn't know you did that sort of thing." Jaxon chuckled. "Tell me, though, does it match the rest of him?"

"Fuck off." André cursed and pushed the laughing boy back against the wall. "Fine! Keep your secrets."

Jaxon rubbed his gelled hands through André's hair. "Fine by me. Just don't go bringing any half-Asian babies for your mother to mind."

The shorter male pushed the hands from his hair and scoffed. "Like, I would leave her alone with my kids."

Strong arms wrapped around André, keeping the protesting male in place. "Though I'm not surprised by the man, you need a strong man to keep you under control."

André glanced away. Jaxon's smile was dazzling. Perfectly straight teeth with pink plump lips. Arms that flexed the hours of work he poured into them. He has seen Jaxon workout before, when André managed to wake himself up at five in the morning . It used to put alpha's back home to shame seeing the omega being able to lift twice the weight they could. Bigger, stronger, and far smarter than those alpha's ever hoped to be. André wished he could be.

"Are you finished in there?" Charlez asked. "Hassan's holding up in ours, and I really have to go."

Jaxon's arms dropped from around him. "Coming out now," he replied. He moved past André to the sink. The sound of running water filled the now-stretching silence between the two boys. Plucking his glasses from the counter, he fixed them onto his face. "Let's start trekking. The sooner we get through the cold, the better."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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