The Sax

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The Red Dragon Restaurant is as authentic as a Chinese restaurant can be in the middle of a frozen place like this. It was beautifully decorated with lots of red and gold trims. Stereotypical for sure but elegant all the same. André didn't want to walk too fast in this place for fear of breaking any of the expensive vases and dragon decor that made the place what it was. The place was nothing like the hole-in-the wall Chinese restaurants from back home. In those places, a person would be lucky to have freshly painted walls or a menu that wasn't yellowed.

André shifted his saxophone case close to his body. People were bustling around the place, preparing for this evening's patrons to pour in. The staff paid no mind to the omega walking around with a black case. Judging by the small formation of cars and people he saw when he came through the door, they are in for a crowd.

Taking another scan of the area, André spotted a small stage area. It was a small, lifted stage, perfectly suited for small acts. Standing next to it was Bai Lok. His eyes fiddled with the microphone with an intense look on his face. André's heart thumped against his chest. If André hadn't heard that man speak before, he would have assumed the larger male to be a hardened alpha who would bear his fangs without a second thought.

Or maybe André was thinking about his father.

"Hey...Bai Lok, is it?" André said.

Bai Lok lifted his head with speed and almost dropped the microphone. After some fumbled catching and a small mutter under his breath, he turned to André.

"Yo...Glad to see you found your way." Bai Lok said.

"Your directions were  thorough."

A small tinge of red castes over the Asian's cheeks. "I didn't want you to get lost." There was an awkward period of silence that fell between them. Both men are unsure how to carry on. André placed his case down.

"I suppose I will be playing here. I'll just set up if you don't mind." André tried.

Bai Lok nods his head quickly. "Right! Of course! We open in ten." Bai Lok said. He didn't leave André much room to reply before he quickly walked off somewhere near the kitchens.

André shook his head. "What is wrong with me?" He muttered to himself. Pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind, André prepared his instrument and pushed the thoughts out of his mind. He had music to focus on. His inner omega could sort out his feelings later.


André played well. Really well. He has been playing this instrument since he was nothing. André had all confidence in his ability to deliver a good performance. He loved it; the patrons seemed pleased enough, and Bai Lok's eyes never left. His eyes tracked his every move. His stance swayed in tune to the music, his hips followed suit, the long brown fingers danced across the white buttons, his perfectly plump pink lips bent so beautifully around the mouthpiece, and those eyes. The omega's honey brown eyes, half lidded with long black eyelashes framing them.

"You're staring," Bai Lok heard a voice from behind say.

Bai Lok didn't have to turn around to see who it was. His tongue switched to his native language with ease.

"I thought you weren't coming. The party wasn't to your liking," Bai Lok questioned.

Bai Li laughed. "Nah, Huang got drunk and hit his head. Killed the mood." Bai Li leaned forward, following his brother's eyes. "Dìdi... Is there something you want to tell me?"

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